Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 65 88 73.8

line true false branch
70 0 2580 unless $file
71 46 2534 unless -e $file
72 46 2488 if $file =~ /\.ppm\.(tar(\.gz|\.bz2)?|tbz|tgz|zip)$/i
74 46 2442 unless $file =~ /\.(tar(\.gz|\.bz2)?|tbz|tgz|zip)$/i
82 230 2212 if $dist =~ /^(perl|ponie|kurila|parrot|Perl6-Pugs|v6-pugs)$/
101 122 1874 if ($file =~ /\.zip$/i) { }
1622 252 elsif ($file =~ /\.(tar(\.gz)?|tgz)$/i) { }
103 122 0 if $zip
105 393 1229 if ($extra_params{'use_tar'}) { }
108 358 35 $file =~ /gz$/ ? :
114 1229 0 if $tar
117 82 170 if ($extra_params{'use_tar'}) { }
121 0 170 unless open my $fh, '-|', ('bzip2', '-dc'), $file
123 170 0 if $tar
136 0 4098 unless open my $fh, $parsefile
139 554 85530 /^=cut/ ? :
3074 86084 /^=(?!cut)/ ? :
140 33964 55194 if $inpod or /^\s*#/
142 51190 4004 unless /([\$*])(([\w\:\']*)\bVERSION)\b.*\=/
149 4004 0 $] >= 5.01 ? :
190 34 3882 if ($result->{'error'} and $result->{'error'} =~ /trapped by operation mask|safe compartment timed out/i) { }
0 3882 elsif ($result->{'error'}) { }
205 3882 128 exists $result->{'result'} ? :
209 4004 0 if (os_is('Unix')) { }
0 0 elsif (os_is('MicrosoftWindows')) { }
232 216 110 if $self->distversion =~ /(_|-TRIAL$)/
248 1996 108 unless (keys %{$$self{'modules'};})
257 1540 456 if ($meta and -e $meta)
259 1540 0 if (not $@ and ref $yaml eq 'HASH' and exists $yaml->{'no_index'} and ref $yaml->{'no_index'} eq 'HASH')
265 1348 192 if (exists $yaml->{'no_index'}{'directory'})
266 1242 106 if (ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'directory'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
106 0 elsif (not ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'directory'}) { }
274 242 1298 if (exists $yaml->{'no_index'}{'file'})
275 242 0 if (ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'file'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'file'}) { }
282 288 1252 if (exists $yaml->{'no_index'}{'package'})
283 288 0 if (ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'package'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'package'}) { }
290 94 1446 if (exists $yaml->{'no_index'}{'namespace'})
291 94 0 if (ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'namespace'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (not ref $yaml->{'no_index'}{'namespace'}) { }
309 0 4010 unless open my $fh, $PM
314 3952 58 if ($PM =~ /\bpackage[ \t]+([\w\:\']+)\s*($|[};])/)
318 3614 338 unless exists $ignorepackages{$module} or grep {$module =~ /$_::/;} keys %ignorenamespaces