Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 26 84.6

line true false branch
62 0 91 unless ref $options eq "HASH"
124 9 18 $type eq 'exact_version' ? :
146 9 37 if (not defined $version or "$version" eq '0') { }
147 4 5 if $self->__entry_for($name)
148 1 4 if $self->is_finalized
214 0 43 unless my $range = $self->__entry_for($module)
231 1 2 unless $self->__entry_for($module)
233 1 1 if $self->is_finalized
256 2 4 unless $entry
275 0 2 unless $entry
312 0 783 if $fin and not $old
318 1 771 if $fin and $old->as_string ne $new->as_string
335 1 3 unless $self->__entry_for($module)->is_simple