Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 400 0.0

line true false branch
835 0 0 $args{'args'} && @{$args{'args'};} ? :
836 0 0 if ($matcher =~ m[^/(.*)/$]) { }
0 0 elsif (0 == length $matcher) { }
840 0 0 if (@{$args{'args'};})
856 0 0 unless (exists $CPAN::HandleConfig::keys{$arg})
863 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
865 0 0 unless ($CPAN::VERSION)
882 0 0 if ($args{'autoconfig'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($matcher) { }
888 0 0 $_conf && $_conf =~ /^y/i ? :
890 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
891 0 0 if ($CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config)
904 0 0 unless ($matcher or _can_write_to_libdirs() or _using_installbase() or _using_sudo())
914 0 0 if (not $matcher or "\n build_dir\n build_dir_reuse\n cpan_home\n keep_source_where\n prefs_dir\n " =~ /$matcher/)
921 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
981 0 0 if (not $matcher or "test_report" =~ /$matcher/)
983 0 0 if ($matcher and $CPAN::Config->{'test_report'} and $CPAN::META->has_inst("CPAN::Reporter") and "CPAN::Reporter"->can("configure"))
990 0 0 if ($_conf =~ /^y/i)
1003 0 0 if (not $matcher or "yaml_module" =~ /$matcher/)
1007 0 0 unless ($CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config or $CPAN::META->has_inst($CPAN::Config->{'yaml_module'}))
1025 0 0 unless $matcher or $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1047 0 0 if ($path and "File::Spec"->file_name_is_absolute($path))
1048 0 0 unless -e $path
1053 0 0 if $^O eq "MSWin32"
1054 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS') { }
1057 0 0 if $^O eq "os2"
1065 0 0 unless (defined $prefer_external_tar)
1066 0 0 if ($^O =~ /(MSWin32|solaris)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($tar) { }
1096 0 0 if (not $matcher or "makepl_arg make_arg" =~ /$matcher/)
1099 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'makepl_arg'} =~ /LIBS=|INC=/)
1109 0 0 if (exists $CPAN::HandleConfig::keys{'make_install_make_command'})
1113 0 0 if ($default and $CPAN::Config->{'install_help'} eq "sudo")
1114 0 0 if (find_exe('sudo')) { }
1117 0 0 unless $CPAN::Config->{'make_install_make_command'} =~ /sudo/
1132 0 0 if (exists $CPAN::HandleConfig::keys{'mbuild_install_build_command'} and $^O ne "MSWin32")
1136 0 0 $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
1137 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'install_help'} eq "sudo")
1138 0 0 if (find_exe('sudo')) { }
1141 0 0 unless $CPAN::Config->{'mbuild_install_build_command'} =~ /sudo/
1183 0 0 if (not $matcher or "@proxy_vars @proxy_user_vars" =~ /$matcher/)
1184 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1191 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'ftp_proxy'} or $CPAN::Config->{'http_proxy'})
1196 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1198 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'proxy_user'} = &prompt("Your proxy user id?", $default))
1199 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1201 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Term::ReadKey')) { }
1204 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1207 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Term::ReadKey"))
1210 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1245 0 0 if ("colorize_output colorize_print colorize_warn colorize_debug" =~ /$matcher/)
1247 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'colorize_output'})
1248 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Term::ANSIColor"))
1250 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1252 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1260 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1263 0 0 $FG || $BG ? :
0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1266 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1268 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1276 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("Term::ANSIColor"))
1278 0 0 if ($@)
1297 0 0 if (not $matcher or "histfile histsize" =~ /$matcher/)
1298 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1300 0 0 unless defined($default = $CPAN::Config->{'histfile'})
1303 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'histfile'})
1304 0 0 unless defined($default = $CPAN::Config->{'histsize'})
1317 0 0 if (not $matcher or "show_unparsable_versions" =~ /$matcher/ or "show_zero_versions" =~ /$matcher/)
1335 0 0 if ($matcher)
1336 0 0 if ("urllist_ping_external" =~ /$matcher/)
1339 0 0 if ("urllist_ping_verbose" =~ /$matcher/)
1342 0 0 if ("randomize_urllist" =~ /$matcher/)
1345 0 0 if ("ftpstats_size" =~ /$matcher/)
1348 0 0 if ("ftpstats_period" =~ /$matcher/)
1355 0 0 if ($CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config) { }
0 0 elsif (not $matcher or 'urllist' =~ /$matcher/) { }
1356 0 0 if (@{$CPAN::Config->{'urllist'};}) { }
1373 0 0 if ($CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config)
1381 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'install_help'} eq "local::lib")
1382 0 0 if (not @{$CPAN::Config->{'urllist'};}) { }
1394 0 0 if ($locallib and $dist = $locallib->distribution)
1402 0 0 if (not $dist or my $err = $@) { }
1420 0 0 if ($matcher and not $CPAN::Config->{'auto_commit'}) { }
1427 0 0 if (not $matcher)
1453 0 0 if (my $rc = _find_shell_config())
1459 0 0 if ($_conf =~ /^y/i)
1468 0 0 if ($munged_rc) { }
1494 0 0 if (my $rc = $shell_rc_map{$shell})
1496 0 0 if -w $path
1516 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('File::HomeDir') and 'File::HomeDir'->VERSION >= 0.65) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $ENV{'HOME'}) { }
1521 0 0 unless (getpwuid $<)[7]
1533 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('Net::Ping') and 'CPAN::Version'->vgt('Net::Ping'->VERSION, '2.13')) { }
1539 0 0 if ($_conf =~ /^y/i) { }
1540 0 0 unless conf_sites("auto_pick", 1)
1543 0 0 if @old_list
1544 0 0 scalar @old_list ? :
1548 0 0 if ($_conf =~ /^y/i)
1563 0 0 if (not $matcher or join($", @external_progs) =~ /$matcher/)
1565 0 0 if $^O eq "MacOS"
1569 0 0 if $matcher and not $progname =~ /$matcher/
1570 0 0 if ($^O eq "MacOS")
1576 0 0 unless ($matcher)
1579 0 0 if $progname eq "ncftp" and $CPAN::Config->{'ncftpget'} gt " "
1584 0 0 if ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($path)) { }
0 0 elsif ($path =~ /^\s+$/) { }
1595 0 0 unless ($path)
1597 0 0 if $Config::Config{$progname}
1601 0 0 unless ($path)
1603 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1604 0 0 if $progname eq "make"
1611 0 0 if ($progname eq 'make' and $disabling || !_check_found($path)) { }
0 0 elsif ($disabling) { }
0 0 elsif (_check_found($CPAN::Config->{$progname})) { }
1612 0 0 if ($disabling and $showed_make_warning) { }
1616 0 0 unless $showed_make_warning++
1626 0 0 if $shortcut and not $matcher
1639 0 0 if (not -f $prog) { }
0 0 elsif (not -x $prog) { }
1640 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1645 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1659 0 0 if ($^O eq "MSWin32")
1677 0 0 if (not $matcher or "cpan_home" =~ /$matcher/)
1680 0 0 if (-d $cpan_home) { }
1681 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1688 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1694 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
1696 0 0 if ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($ans)) { }
1699 0 0 if ($dir =~ /^~/ and !$last_ans || $ans ne $last_ans)
1719 0 0 if ($@)
1724 0 0 if (-d $ans and -w _) { }
1729 0 0 if (++$loop > 5)
1742 0 0 if (not $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config and !$m || $item =~ /$m/) { }
1743 0 0 if (my $intro = $CPAN::FirstTime::prompts{$item . "_intro"})
1749 0 0 $no_strip ? :
1759 0 0 unless defined($default = $CPAN::Config->{$item})
1761 0 0 if (not $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config and !$m || $item =~ /$m/) { }
1762 0 0 if (my $intro = $CPAN::FirstTime::prompts{$item . "_intro"})
1766 0 0 $default ? :
1767 0 0 $ans =~ /^[y1]/i ? :
1778 0 0 if (not $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config and !$m || $item =~ /$m/) { }
1780 0 0 if defined $intro
1806 0 0 if $args{'auto_pick'}
1813 0 0 if (-f $mby and -f $m and -M $m < -M $mby)
1815 0 0 unless File::Copy::copy($m, $mby)
1820 0 0 if ($mby and -f $mby and -s _ > 0) { }
1824 0 0 if ($args{'auto_pick'}) { }
1825 0 0 if ($very_old)
1827 0 0 unless eval { do { "CPAN::FTP"->localize($m, $mby, 3, 1) } }
1840 0 0 $very_old ? :
1841 0 0 if ($ans =~ /^n/i)
1845 0 0 unless eval { do { "CPAN::FTP"->localize($m, $mby, 3, 1) } }
1854 0 0 unless ($CPAN::Config->{'connect_to_internet_ok'})
1859 0 0 if ($ans =~ /^y/i)
1865 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'connect_to_internet_ok'}) { }
1867 0 0 unless eval { do { "CPAN::FTP"->localize($m, $mby, 3, 1) } }
1883 0 0 if (-f $mby and -s _ > 0)
1885 0 0 $args{'auto_pick'} ? :
1899 0 0 if ($abs = "MM"->maybe_command($abs))
1907 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1918 0 0 if $limit > 15
1922 0 0 if $pos >= @$items
1933 0 0 if (0 == @nums) { }
0 0 elsif (grep((/\D/ || $_ < 1 || $_ > $i), @nums)) { }
1938 0 0 if (join($", @nums) =~ /\D/)
1943 0 0 if ($require_nonempty and not @nums)
1948 0 0 unless (@nums)
1961 0 0 unless $nums
1963 0 0 if ($n =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/) { }
1982 0 0 $default ? :
1983 0 0 if $pos < @$items
1992 0 0 unless my $local = shift()
2004 0 0 if ($cnt++ > 60)
2007 0 0 $CPAN::Config->{'urllist_ping_external'} ? :
0 0 $CPAN::Config->{'urllist_ping_verbose'} ? :
2012 0 0 if $_ and ref $_
2016 0 0 if $callback_was_active
2022 0 0 unless my $local = shift()
2034 0 0 if (@previous_urls) { }
2052 0 0 if @cont > 1
2055 0 0 if (@previous_urls and @countries)
2060 0 0 if (@countries)
2069 0 0 if $country =~ /edit previous picks/
2073 0 0 if $m->ftp
2074 0 0 if $m->http
2077 0 0 if @countries > 1
2086 0 0 if (@previous_urls)
2109 0 0 unless (%seen)
2116 0 0 if ($ans) { }
2121 0 0 unless $ans =~ /:/
2122 0 0 if ($ans =~ m[^\w+:/.]) { }
2123 0 0 unless $seen{$ans}++
2137 0 0 if (++$eacnt >= 5)
2153 0 0 unless $CPAN::Config->{'urllist'}
2166 0 0 if $ENV{'PERL_MM_OPT'} and $ENV{'PERL_MM_OPT'} =~ /install_base/i
2167 0 0 if grep {($CPAN::Config->{$_} || '') =~ /install_base/i;} "makepl_arg", "make_install_arg", "mbuildpl_arg", "mbuild_install_arg"
2173 0 0 if grep {($CPAN::Config->{$_} || '') =~ /sudo/;} "make_install_make_command", "mbuild_install_build_command"
2184 0 0 unless (defined &CPAN::FirstTime::_real_prompt)
2190 0 0 unless $CPAN::FirstTime::auto_config
2197 0 0 unless (defined &CPAN::FirstTime::_real_prompt)