Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 29 1584 1.8

line true false branch
27 0 0 unless defined $args
28 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst($plugin_proper)) { }
31 0 0 if ($instance{$plugin}->can($hookname))
45 0 0 unless my $ro = $self->ro
72 0 1 unless defined $s
73 0 1 if (substr($s, -1, 1) eq '.') { }
0 1 elsif ($s =~ tr[/][] == 1 or not $s =~ m[[A-Z]/[A-Z-0-9]{2}/[A-Z-0-9]{2,}/]) { }
75 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->{'LOCK'} or $$CPAN::Have_warned{"$s is unlocked"}++)
83 0 0 if ($s eq '.') { }
0 0 elsif ('File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($s)) { }
0 0 elsif ('File::Spec'->can('rel2abs')) { }
91 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
92 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->exists('CPAN::Distribution', $s))
104 0 0 if $s =~ m[^N/A|^Contact Author]
106 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
115 0 1 if (substr($self->id, -1, 1) eq '.') { }
140 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
141 0 0 unless ($local_file = 'CPAN::FTP'->localize("authors/id/$norm", $local_wanted))
152 0 0 if ($self->{'ID'} =~ m[[A-Z]/[A-Z\-]{2}/([A-Z\-]+)/])
162 0 1 unless $id =~ m[^./../]
206 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
210 0 0 if exists $self->{'incommandcolor'} and $color == 1 and $self->{'incommandcolor'} == $color
212 0 0 if ($depth >= $CPAN::MAX_RECURSION)
214 0 0 if ($e->is_resolvable) { }
222 0 0 if (defined $prereq_pm)
226 0 0 unless $prereq_pm->{'requires'}
227 0 0 unless $prereq_pm->{'build_requires'}
229 0 0 if $pre eq 'perl'
231 0 0 unless ($premo = 'CPAN::Shell'->expand('Module', $pre))
239 0 0 if ($color == 0)
262 0 0 if exists $self->{'CONTAINSMODS'}
265 0 0 unless my $mod_file = $mod->cpan_file
266 0 0 unless my $mod_id = $mod->{'ID'}
269 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
273 0 0 if $mod_file eq $dist_id
281 0 0 if exists $self->{'UPLOAD_DATE'}
286 0 0 unless $author
288 0 0 unless @dl
291 0 0 unless $dirent->[1]
301 0 0 unless ($obj->uptodate)
303 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
313 0 0 if defined $id
323 0 0 if (exists $self->{'cleanup_after_install_done'})
324 0 0 if ($self->{'force_update'}) { }
334 0 0 if (my $why = $self->check_disabled)
342 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
343 0 0 if (exists $self->{'build_dir'} and -d $self->{'build_dir'})
353 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
354 0 0 if (exists $self->{'build_dir'} and not -d $self->{'build_dir'})
363 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
364 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'unwrapped'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (exists $self->{'unwrapped'} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'unwrapped'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'unwrapped'}->failed : $self->{'unwrapped'} =~ /^NO/)
381 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
382 0 0 if (my $goto = $self->prefs->{'goto'})
387 0 0 if (defined(my $sc = $self->shortcut_get))
394 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
395 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
405 0 0 unless ($self->{'build_dir'} and -d $self->{'build_dir'})
407 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
412 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
418 0 0 if (exists $self->{'writemakefile'} and ref $self->{'writemakefile'} and $self->{'writemakefile'}->can('failed') and $self->{'writemakefile'}->failed)
432 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
437 0 0 unless ($self->patch)
452 0 0 if $self->is_dot_dist
462 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
463 0 0 unless ($local_file = 'CPAN::FTP'->localize("authors/id/$self->{'ID'}", $local_wanted))
467 0 0 if ($CPAN::Index::DATE_OF_02)
474 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
483 0 0 if $self->is_dot_dist
484 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Digest::SHA')) { }
495 0 0 if $self->is_dot_dist
500 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
502 0 0 unless (mkdir "tmp-$$", 493)
513 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
523 0 0 unless ($ct)
528 0 0 if ($local_file =~ /(\.tar\.(bz2|gz|Z)|\.tgz)(?!\n)\Z/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($local_file =~ /\.zip(?!\n)\Z/i) { }
529 0 0 unless eval { do { $ct->gtest } }
534 0 0 unless $ct->gtest
540 0 0 unless my $dh = 'DirHandle'->new('File::Spec'->curdir)
543 0 0 if (grep {$_ eq 'pax_global_header';} @readdir)
556 0 0 if (@readdir == 1 and -d $readdir[0]) { }
562 0 0 unless ($dh2 = 'DirHandle'->new($from_dir))
578 0 0 if (not $userid or $userid eq 'N/A')
586 0 0 $CPAN::META->has_usable('Errno') && defined &Errno::EEXIST ? :
591 0 0 if mkdir $packagedir, 511
592 0 0 if (defined $eexist and $! != $eexist or $suffix == 999)
600 0 0 if -d $from
602 0 0 unless (File::Copy::move($from, $to))
605 0 0 -e $from ? :
0 0 -e $to ? :
629 41 0 unless defined $filter
632 0 41 unless ($build_dir = $self->{'build_dir'})
642 41 0 if $has_cm
643 41 0 if $has_cm or $has_pcm
644 41 0 if $has_cm
645 41 0 if $has_cm or $has_pcm
649 38 63 if -f $path
658 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
659 0 0 unless my $build_dir = $self->{'build_dir'}
661 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
662 0 0 unless -f $yaml
665 0 0 unless $CPAN::META->has_inst('Parse::CPAN::Meta')
666 0 0 unless $Parse::CPAN::Meta::VERSION >= '1.40'
670 0 0 unless ($early_yaml)
673 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
674 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG and $early_yaml
675 0 0 if (not ref $early_yaml or ref $early_yaml ne 'HASH')
688 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
689 0 0 if (my(@prereq) = $self->unsat_prereq('later'))
690 0 0 if ($CPAN::DEBUG)
695 0 0 if ($prereq[0][0] eq 'perl') { }
704 0 0 if (do { $follow }) { }
0 0 elsif ($@ and ref $@ and $@->isa('CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency')) { }
721 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
723 0 0 unless ($enable_configure_requires)
730 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
731 0 0 unless @prereq
732 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
733 0 0 if ($self->{'configure_requires_later'})
734 0 0 unless $self->{'configure_requires_later_for'}
735 0 0 if ($self->{'configure_requires_later_for'}{$k} > 1)
738 0 0 if ($p->[0] eq $k)
742 0 0 if $type
748 0 0 if ($prereq[0][0] eq 'perl') { }
759 0 0 if (do { $follow }) { }
0 0 elsif ($@ and ref $@ and $@->isa('CPAN::Exception::RecursiveDependency')) { }
776 0 0 unless $self->satisfy_configure_requires
780 0 0 unless ($mpl_exists)
786 0 0 unless my $mpldh = 'DirHandle'->new($self->{'build_dir'})
791 0 0 if (-f 'File::Spec'->catfile($self->{'build_dir'}, 'Build.PL'))
792 0 0 if ($mpl_exists) { }
793 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Module::Build'))
799 0 0 if fileno Module::Build::Version::DATA
806 0 0 if (lc $prefer_installer eq 'rand')
807 0 0 rand() < 0.5 ? :
809 0 0 if (lc $prefer_installer eq 'mb') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'archived'} eq 'patch') { }
0 0 elsif (not $mpl_exists) { }
819 0 0 if ($self->{'build_dir'} and $CPAN::Config->{'build_dir_reuse'})
833 0 0 unless (defined $dir and length $dir)
848 0 0 unless ($sbd eq $cbd)
855 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst($yaml_module)) { }
881 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
891 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
894 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
895 0 0 if ($patches)
896 0 0 unless @$patches
898 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
900 0 0 unless ($patchbin and length $patchbin)
904 0 0 unless ('MM'->maybe_command($patchbin))
910 0 0 unless ($stdpatchargs)
913 0 0 unless open FH, $system
917 0 0 if (/^patch\s+([\d\.]+)/)
922 0 0 if ($pversion) { }
928 0 0 @$patches == 1 ? :
932 0 0 if ($patches_dir and not 'File::Spec'->file_name_is_absolute($patch))
934 0 0 if -f $f
936 0 0 unless (-f $patch)
937 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
938 0 0 if (my $trydl = $self->try_download($patch)) { }
953 0 0 if ($ppp eq 'applypatch') { }
959 0 0 if ($Config::Config{'osname'} eq 'solaris')
961 0 0 unless $pfiles
962 0 0 unless my(@stat) = stat $file
971 0 0 unless (open $writefh, "|$pcommand")
982 0 0 unless (close $writefh)
1006 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'applypatch'} and /\#\#\#\# ApplyPatch data follows \#\#\#\#/)
1013 0 0 unless /^[\*\+]{3}\s(\S+)/
1017 0 0 if -f $file
1018 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1021 0 0 unless $cnt_files
1022 0 0 $cnt_files == $cnt_p0files ? :
1030 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1036 0 0 if (-f $configure) { }
0 0 elsif (-f 'File::Spec'->catfile($build_dir, 'Makefile')) { }
1048 0 0 if ($cf =~ m[/])
1053 0 0 unless length $cf
1054 0 0 if (my $crud = $self->_contains_crud($build_dir))
1069 0 0 if ($self->{'archived'} eq 'maybe_pl')
1074 0 0 unless $fh->open(">$mpl")
1094 0 0 unless opendir $dh, $dir
1097 0 0 if $dirent =~ /^\.\.?$/
1099 0 0 if (-d $path) { }
0 0 elsif (-f $path) { }
1105 0 0 if (@dirs and @files) { }
0 0 elsif (@files > 2) { }
1119 0 0 unless $fh->open($script_file)
1126 0 0 if ($state eq 'poddir' and /^=head\d\s+(\S+)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($state =~ /^(name|prereq)$/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^=cut\b/) { }
1127 0 0 if ($1 eq 'NAME') { }
0 0 elsif ($1 eq 'PREREQUISITES') { }
1133 0 0 if (/^=/) { }
0 0 elsif (/^\s*$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($state eq 'name') { }
0 0 elsif ($state eq 'prereq') { }
1138 0 0 if ($name eq '')
1160 0 0 if (/[\s\'\"]/) { }
1167 0 0 if ($name)
1169 0 0 unless rename $script_file, $to_file
1186 0 0 if ($check_sigs)
1187 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Module::Signature')) { }
1188 0 0 if (-f 'SIGNATURE') { }
1189 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1191 0 0 if ($rv != Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_OK() and $rv != Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_MISSING()) { }
1215 0 0 if $CPAN::Frontend->can('mysleep')
1218 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1224 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1234 0 0 if ($result) { }
1246 0 0 if (eval { do { $ct->unzip } }) { }
1257 0 0 if ($local_file =~ /\.pm(\.(gz|Z))?(?!\n)\Z/) { }
0 0 elsif ($local_file =~ /\.patch(\.(gz|bz2))?(?!\n)\Z/) { }
1266 0 0 if ($to =~ s/\.(gz|Z)(?!\n)\Z//) { }
1267 0 0 if (eval { do { 'CPAN::Tarzip'->new($local_file)->gunzip($to) } }) { }
1273 0 0 if (File::Copy::cp($local_file, '.')) { }
1296 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
1301 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'shell'}) { }
1314 0 0 unless ($dir = $self->dir)
1317 0 0 unless ($dir ||= $self->dir)
1333 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
1335 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
1340 0 0 unless (system($shell) == 0)
1366 0 0 if ($cvs_site_perl)
1376 0 0 unless CPAN::Distribution::chdir($dir)
1381 0 0 unless system(@cmd) == 0
1384 0 0 unless CPAN::Distribution::chdir($pwd)
1392 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1402 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1403 0 0 unless $local_file = 'CPAN::FTP'->localize($readme, $local_wanted)
1407 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
1415 0 0 unless $fh_pager->open("|$pager")
1418 0 0 unless $fh_readme->open($local_file)
1435 0 0 if $self->{'CHECKSUM_STATUS'} eq 'OK'
1436 0 0 if @e
1446 0 0 if (my $size = -s $lc_want)
1447 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1448 0 0 if ($self->CHECKSUM_check_file($lc_want, 1))
1454 0 0 unless ($lc_file)
1459 0 0 if ($lc_file) { }
1466 0 0 if ($self->CHECKSUM_check_file($lc_file))
1476 0 0 if ($rv == Module::Signature::SIGNATURE_OK()) { }
1508 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1511 0 0 if ($check_sigs)
1512 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Module::Signature')) { }
1513 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1516 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1523 0 0 if (open $fh, $chk_file) { }
1530 0 0 if ($@)
1532 0 0 if $@
1538 0 0 if (not ref $cksum or ref $cksum ne 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (exists $cksum->{$basename}{'sha256'}) { }
1546 0 0 unless $answer =~ /^\s*y/i
1550 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1559 0 0 unless ($eq)
1570 0 0 if ($eq) { }
1599 0 0 if $sloppy
1600 0 0 unless ($self->{'CHECKSUM_STATUS'})
1609 0 0 unless $answer =~ /^\s*y/i
1619 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Digest::SHA'))
1693 0 0 if $fforce or $method and $phase eq $method
1694 0 0 unless $methodmatch
1696 0 0 if ($phase eq 'get') { }
0 0 elsif ($phase eq 'test') { }
1697 0 0 if (substr($self->id, -1, 1) eq '.' and $att =~ /(unwrapped|build_dir|archived)/)
1702 0 0 if ($att eq 'build_dir' and $self->{'build_dir'} and $CPAN::META->{'is_tested'})
1709 0 0 if ($att eq 'make_test' and $self->{'make_test'} and $self->{'make_test'}{'COMMANDID'} and $self->{'make_test'}{'COMMANDID'} == $CPAN::CurrentCommandId)
1719 0 0 if ($ldebug or $CPAN::DEBUG)
1725 0 0 if ($method and $method =~ /make|test|install/)
1754 0 0 if ($file =~ / ^ perl ( -(5\.\d+\.\d+) | (5)[._-](00[0-5](?:_[0-4][0-9])?) ) \.tar[._-](?:gz|bz2) (?!\n)\Z /sx) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->cpan_comment and $self->cpan_comment =~ /isa_perl\(.+?\)/) { }
1764 0 0 if ($2) { }
1781 0 0 unless ($self)
1795 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1796 0 0 if (not $self->{'archived'} or $self->{'archived'} eq 'NO')
1800 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1801 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'unwrapped'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (not $self->{'unwrapped'} or UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'unwrapped'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'unwrapped'}->failed : $self->{'unwrapped'} =~ /^NO/)
1810 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1811 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'signature_verify'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (not $self->{'force_update'} and exists $self->{'signature_verify'} and UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'signature_verify'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'signature_verify'}->failed : $self->{'signature_verify'} =~ /^NO/)
1822 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1823 0 0 if ($self->{'writemakefile'})
1824 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'writemakefile'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'writemakefile'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'writemakefile'}->failed : $self->{'writemakefile'} =~ /^NO/) { }
1832 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'writemakefile'}, 'text') ? :
1842 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1843 0 0 if (my $later = $self->{'configure_requires_later'})
1853 0 0 unless $self->get
1856 0 0 if (defined(my $sc = $self->shortcut_prepare))
1862 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
1863 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
1866 0 0 exists $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} && defined $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} ? :
1870 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
1875 0 0 unless my $builddir = $self->dir
1878 0 0 unless (CPAN::Distribution::chdir($builddir))
1883 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
1888 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
1892 0 0 unless $self->choose_MM_or_MB
1896 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
0 0 $self->{'configure'} ? :
1901 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'prerequisites_policy'} eq 'follow')
1908 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'pl'})
1911 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL'} ? :
1913 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
1914 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
1915 0 0 if ($pl_commandline) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'configure'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
1921 0 0 unless my($perl) = $self->perl
1923 0 0 $mbuildpl_arg ? :
1928 0 0 unless my($perl) = $self->perl
1937 0 0 $switch ? :
0 0 $makepl_arg ? :
1944 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'pl'})
1947 0 0 if $pl_env
1948 0 0 if (exists $self->{'writemakefile'}) { }
1954 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'inactivity_timeout'})
1956 0 0 if ($Config::Config{'d_alarm'} and $Config::Config{'d_alarm'} eq 'define') { }
1973 0 0 if ($go_via_alarm) { }
1974 0 0 if ($self->_should_report('pl')) { }
1985 0 0 if (defined($pid = fork)) { }
1986 0 0 if ($pid) { }
2001 0 0 if ($@)
2013 0 0 if (my $expect_model = $self->_prefs_with_expect('pl')) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->_should_report('pl')) { }
2017 0 0 if (not defined $ret and $self->{'writemakefile'} and $self->{'writemakefile'}->failed)
2026 0 0 if (not defined $output or $@)
2038 0 0 if ($ret != 0)
2046 0 0 if (-f 'Makefile' or -f 'Build' or $^O eq 'VMS' and -f 'descrip.mms' || -f '') { }
2052 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
2071 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2072 0 0 if (defined $self->{'make'})
2073 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'make'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'make'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'make'}->failed : $self->{'make'} =~ /^NO/) { }
2077 0 0 if ($self->{'force_update'}) { }
2083 0 0 length $self->{'make'} > 3 ? :
2100 0 0 if (exists $self->{'cleanup_after_install_done'})
2105 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2106 0 0 if (my $goto = $self->prefs->{'goto'})
2120 0 0 if ($self->isa_perl)
2121 0 0 if ($self->called_for ne $self->id and not $self->{'force_update'})
2149 0 0 unless ($self->prepare)
2154 0 0 if (defined(my $sc = $self->shortcut_make))
2159 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
2165 0 0 unless my $builddir = $self->dir
2168 0 0 unless (CPAN::Distribution::chdir($builddir))
2174 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
2178 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
2179 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
2182 0 0 exists $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} && defined $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} ? :
2186 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
2192 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
2200 0 0 if defined $v
2205 0 0 if ($@)
2208 0 0 unless ($satisfied)
2212 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
2219 0 0 unless (CPAN::Distribution::chdir($builddir))
2227 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'make'})
2230 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL'} ? :
2231 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
2232 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
2233 0 0 if ($make_commandline) { }
2237 0 0 if ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
2238 0 0 unless (-f 'Build' or $^O eq 'VMS' and -f '')
2250 0 0 $make_arg ? :
2256 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'make'})
2259 0 0 if $make_env
2262 0 0 if ($expect_model and @{$expect_model->{'talk'};})
2264 0 0 if ($can_expect) { }
2272 0 0 if ($want_expect) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->_should_report('make')) { }
2285 0 0 if $rc == -1
2288 0 0 if ($system_ok) { }
2295 0 0 if defined $system_err
2322 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2323 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Expect')) { }
2327 0 0 if ($expect_model->{'mode'} eq 'deterministic') { }
0 0 elsif ($expect_model->{'mode'} eq 'anyorder') { }
2363 0 0 if ($match[2])
2367 0 0 if ($eof) { }
0 0 elsif ($ran_into_timeout) { }
2376 0 0 if ($but =~ /$regex/)
2380 0 0 unless $reuse
2387 0 0 if ($have_waited < $timeout)
2408 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2424 0 0 if ($ran_into_timeout) { }
0 0 elsif ($ran_into_eof) { }
2441 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('CPAN::Kwalify') and $CPAN::META->has_inst('Kwalify')) { }
2447 0 0 if ($@)
2451 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2461 0 0 if $prefs_dir =~ /^\s*$/
2463 0 0 if ($@)
2468 0 0 unless my $dh = 'DirHandle'->new($prefs_dir)
2470 0 0 unless @files
2475 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst($yaml_module)) { }
2479 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Data::Dumper'))
2482 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Storable'))
2485 0 0 if (@fallbacks) { }
2487 0 0 unless ($self->{'have_complained_about_missing_yaml'}++)
2492 0 0 unless ($self->{'have_complained_about_missing_yaml'}++)
2500 0 0 if ($result->is_warning) { }
0 0 elsif ($result->is_fatal) { }
2517 0 0 unless ($pref->has_any_match)
2521 0 0 unless ($pref->has_valid_subkeys)
2538 0 0 if ($pref->matches($arg))
2554 0 0 if (exists $self->{'negative_prefs_cache'} and $self->{'negative_prefs_cache'} != $CPAN::CurrentCommandId)
2561 0 0 if (exists $self->{'prefs'})
2564 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'prefs_dir'})
2565 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2568 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2569 0 0 if ($prefs)
2580 0 0 if $filler2 < 0
2599 0 0 if ($prefs and exists $prefs->{$phase} and exists $prefs->{$phase}{'args'} and $prefs->{$phase}{'args'})
2620 0 0 if ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
2643 0 0 if ($self) { }
2668 0 0 unless $mimc
2674 0 0 if $^O eq 'MSWin32'
2685 0 0 if (exists $prereq_pm->{$rt}{$prereq})
2689 0 0 if not $av or 'CPAN::Version'->vlt($av, $prereq_pm->{$rt}{$prereq})
2691 0 0 if (exists $$prereq_pm{"opt_$rt"}{$prereq})
2703 0 0 unless @prereq_tuples
2708 0 0 if ($p->[1] =~ /^(r|c)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($p->[1] =~ /^(b)$/) { }
2712 0 0 if ($reqtype =~ /^(r|c)$/) { }
2729 0 0 length $unsat > length $pretty_id ? :
2745 0 0 $self->is_locally_optional(undef, $_->[0]) ? :
2748 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'prerequisites_policy'} eq 'follow') { }
0 0 elsif ($CPAN::Config->{'prerequisites_policy'} eq 'ask') { }
2761 0 0 if ($follow)
2767 0 0 if ($optional and $self->is_locally_optional(undef, $prereq)) { }
2776 0 0 if ($any) { }
2777 0 0 unless ($optional)
2791 0 0 if (@to_queue_mand) { }
0 0 elsif (@to_queue_opt) { }
2806 0 0 unless my $optf = $meta_yml->{'optional_features'}
2807 0 0 if (not ref $optf or ref $optf ne 'HASH')
2811 0 0 unless my $wantf = $self->prefs->{'features'}
2812 0 0 if (not ref $wantf or ref $wantf ne 'ARRAY')
2818 0 0 if (my $f = $optf->{$wf}) { }
2826 0 0 unless my $reqhash = $f->{$reqtype}
2844 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_usable('CPAN::Meta::Requirements'))
2846 0 0 if (defined $CPAN::Meta::Requirements::VERSION)
2851 0 0 if ($self->{'CALLED_FOR'})
2852 0 0 if ($self->{'CALLED_FOR'} =~ /^( CPAN::Meta::Requirements |CPAN::DistnameInfo |version |parent |ExtUtils::MakeMaker |Test::Harness )$/x)
2874 0 0 if ($slot eq 'configure_requires_later') { }
0 0 elsif ($slot eq 'later') { }
2883 0 0 if (-f 'Build.PL' and not -f 'File::Spec'->catfile($self->{'build_dir'}, 'Makefile.PL') and not $merged->requirements_for_module('Module::Build') and not $CPAN::META->has_inst('Module::Build'))
2900 0 0 unless $prereq_pm_0->{$reqtype}
2902 0 0 unless $dep->{$reqtype}
2933 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_usable('CPAN::Meta::Requirements'))
2939 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
2943 0 0 if ($need_module eq 'perl') { }
2947 0 0 if (CPAN::_sqlite_running())
2955 0 0 if ($nmo->uptodate)
2959 0 0 unless ($accepts)
2976 0 0 if ($sufficient and !defined($need_version) || $need_version eq '0' || $need_version eq 'undef')
2982 0 0 unless ($nmo->inst_deprecated)
2995 0 0 if ($available_file)
3003 0 0 if ($inst_file and $available_file eq $inst_file and $nmo->inst_deprecated) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'reqtype'} and $self->{'reqtype'} =~ /^(r|c)$/ and exists $prereq_pm->{'requires'}{$need_module} || exists $prereq_pm->{'opt_requires'}{$need_module} and $nmo and not $inst_file) { }
3012 0 0 if ($fulfills_all_version_rqs and $nmo->id =~ /^CPANPLUS(?:::Dist::Build)$/)
3033 0 0 if ($need_distro->{'install'} and $need_distro->{'install'}->failed and $need_distro->{'install'}->text =~ /is only/)
3043 0 0 if $fulfills_all_version_rqs
3047 0 0 if ($need_module eq 'perl')
3051 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3052 0 0 if (my $sponsoring = $self->{'sponsored_mods'}{$need_module}++)
3082 0 0 unless $do
3083 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vcmp($need_version, $nmo->ro->{'CPAN_VERSION'}) > 0)
3100 0 0 if ($do->{$nosayer})
3103 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($do->{$nosayer}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($do->{$nosayer}, 'failed') ? $do->{$nosayer}->failed : $do->{$nosayer} =~ /^NO/) { }
3106 0 0 if ($nosayer eq 'make_test' and $do->{'make_test'}{'COMMANDID'} != $CPAN::CurrentCommandId)
3113 0 0 if ($self->is_locally_optional($prereq_pm, $need_module)) { }
3128 0 0 if ($nosayer =~ /^(install|make_test)$/)
3147 0 0 if (do { exists $prereq_pm->{'opt_requires'}{$need_module} unless exists $prereq_pm->{'requires'}{$need_module} }) { }
0 0 elsif ($slot eq 'configure_requires_later') { }
3148 0 0 unless exists $prereq_pm->{'requires'}{$need_module}
3168 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3174 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3184 0 0 if ($rq =~ s/>=\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($rq =~ s/>\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($rq =~ s/!=\s*//) { }
0 0 elsif ($rq =~ /<=?\s*/) { }
0 0 elsif ($rq =~ s/==\s*//) { }
3187 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vgt($available_version, $rq))
3193 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vcmp($available_version, $rq)) { }
3207 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vcmp($available_version, $rq)) { }
3215 0 0 unless ('CPAN::Version'->vgt($rq, $available_version))
3218 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3228 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3236 2 28 unless my $meta_file = $self->pick_meta_file
3239 0 28 unless $CPAN::META->has_usable('CPAN::Meta')
3240 0 28 unless my $meta = eval { do { 'CPAN::Meta'->load_file($meta_file) } }
3244 0 28 if ($meta_file eq 'META.yml' and $meta->generated_by =~ /ExtUtils::MakeMaker version ([\d\._]+)/)
3248 0 0 if $eummv < 6.2501
3259 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3260 0 0 unless $meta_file
3263 0 0 if ($@ or not $yaml)
3267 0 0 if (defined $yaml and !ref($yaml) || ref $yaml ne 'HASH')
3271 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3273 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG and $yaml
3275 0 0 if ($meta_file =~ /MYMETA\.yml/)
3279 0 0 if (defined $yaml->{'dynamic_config'} and not $yaml->{'dynamic_config'})
3289 0 0 unless my $meta_file = $self->pick_meta_file('^META')
3290 0 0 if (my $meta_obj = $self->read_meta) { }
3293 0 0 $cr ? :
3306 0 0 unless $self->{'writemakefile'} or $self->{'modulebuild'}
3307 0 8 unless ($self->{'build_dir'})
3311 0 8 $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
3312 0 8 $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
3313 0 8 unless -f $makefile or -f $buildfile
3316 0 8 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3321 8 0 if ($meta_obj and not $meta_obj->dynamic_config) { }
0 0 elsif (my $yaml = $self->read_yaml) { }
3336 0 8 if ($CPAN::Config->{'recommends_policy'})
3342 0 8 if ($CPAN::Config->{'suggests_policy'})
3353 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'recommends_policy'})
3356 0 0 unless ref $req eq 'HASH' and %$req
3357 0 0 if ($req)
3358 0 0 if ($yaml->{'generated_by'} and $yaml->{'generated_by'} =~ /ExtUtils::MakeMaker version ([\d\._]+)/)
3361 0 0 if ($eummv < 6.2501)
3370 0 0 unless $req
3372 0 0 unless defined $v
3373 0 0 if ($v =~ /\d/) { }
0 0 elsif ($k =~ /[A-Za-z]/ and $v =~ /[A-Za-z]/ and $CPAN::META->exists('CPAN::Module', $v)) { }
3388 0 0 if $do_replace
3396 0 8 unless ($req or $breq)
3398 0 0 unless ($build_dir = $self->{'build_dir'})
3403 0 0 if (-f $makefile and $fh = 'FileHandle'->new("<$makefile\000"))
3406 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3409 0 0 if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/
3413 0 0 unless $p
3425 0 0 if (defined $req->{$m})
3428 0 0 if ($n =~ /^q\[(.*?)\]$/)
3431 0 0 if (not $prevn or 'CPAN::Version'->vlt($prevn, $n))
3439 0 8 unless ($req or $breq)
3440 0 0 unless my $build_dir = $self->{'build_dir'}
3442 0 0 if (-f $buildfile)
3443 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3445 0 0 if (-f $build_prereqs)
3446 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3448 0 0 unless open FH, $build_prereqs
3455 0 0 if ($@) { }
3464 8 0 if ($req or $breq or $opt_req or $opt_breq)
3480 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3482 0 0 if ($self->{'badtestcnt'} > 0)
3484 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3489 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3491 0 0 if $self->{$slot}
3494 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3495 0 0 if ($self->{'make_test'})
3496 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'make_test'}, 'failed') ? :
0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'make_test'}, 'failed') ? $self->{'make_test'}->failed : $self->{'make_test'} =~ /^NO/) { }
3501 0 0 if (UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'make_test'}, 'commandid') and $self->{'make_test'}->commandid == $CPAN::CurrentCommandId)
3511 0 0 if ($self->tested_ok_but_not_installed)
3518 0 0 if ($self->{'notest'})
3531 0 0 unless $self->{'writemakefile'} or $self->{'modulebuild'}
3532 0 0 unless ($self->{'build_dir'})
3537 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3540 0 0 unless ($build_dir = $self->{'build_dir'})
3546 0 0 if (-f $makefile and $fh = 'FileHandle'->new("<$makefile\000"))
3549 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3552 0 0 if /MakeMaker post_initialize section/
3556 0 0 unless $p
3560 0 0 if ($p2 =~ /^q\[(.+)\]/)
3566 0 0 if @exe_files
3568 0 0 if (-f $buildparams)
3569 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3572 0 0 if (my $reftype = ref $sf) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $sf) { }
3573 0 0 if ($reftype eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif ($reftype eq 'HASH') { }
3597 0 0 if (exists $self->{'cleanup_after_install_done'})
3602 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3603 0 0 if (my $goto = $self->prefs->{'goto'})
3608 0 0 unless ($self->make)
3613 0 0 if (defined(my $sc = $self->shortcut_test))
3618 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
3624 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
3628 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
3630 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
3633 0 0 exists $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} && defined $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} ? :
3636 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
3637 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
3639 0 0 if ($run_allow_installing_within_test)
3641 0 0 unless ($allow_installing)
3653 0 0 unless my $builddir = $self->dir
3656 0 0 unless (CPAN::Distribution::chdir($builddir))
3662 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3665 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
3671 0 0 if ($self->{'modulebuild'})
3674 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vlt($v, 2.62))
3678 0 0 unless ($self->id eq $thm->distribution->id)
3688 0 0 unless ($self->{'force_update'})
3691 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'trust_test_report_history'} and $CPAN::META->has_inst('CPAN::Reporter::History') and $have_tested_fcn = 'CPAN::Reporter::History'->can('have_tested'))
3694 0 0 if (my(@reports) = &$have_tested_fcn('dist', $self->base_id))
3696 0 0 if ($reports[-1]{'grade'} =~ /^(?:PASS|UNKNOWN)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($reports[-1]{'grade'} =~ /^(?:FAIL|NA)$/) { }
3700 0 0 if ($self->tested_ok_but_not_installed)
3720 0 0 exists $prefs_test->{'commandline'} ? :
0 0 if (my $commandline = exists $prefs_test->{'commandline'} ? $prefs_test->{'commandline'} : '') { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
3726 0 0 unless (-e 'Build' or $^O eq 'VMS' and -e '')
3734 0 0 $make_test_arg ? :
3740 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'test'})
3743 0 0 if $test_env
3746 0 0 if ($expect_model and @{$expect_model->{'talk'};})
3748 0 0 if ($can_expect) { }
3758 0 0 if (not defined $pid) { }
0 0 elsif ($pid) { }
3769 0 0 if ($want_expect) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->_should_report('test')) { }
3770 0 0 if ($self->_should_report('test'))
3787 0 0 if ($tests_ok) { }
3788 0 0 if ($but)
3802 0 0 if ($but) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'force_update'}) { }
3826 0 0 $self->{'force_update'} ? :
3835 0 0 unless $self->{'sponsored_mods'}{$m} > 0
3836 0 0 unless my $m_obj = 'CPAN::Shell'->expand('Module', $m)
3842 0 0 if ($available_version and not 'CPAN::Version'->vlt($available_version, $self->{'prereq_pm'}{$m})) { }
0 0 elsif ($available_file and !$self->{'prereq_pm'}{$m} || $self->{'prereq_pm'}{$m} == 0) { }
3845 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3855 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3858 0 0 unless $self->is_locally_optional(undef, $m)
3863 0 0 if (@prereq)
3866 0 0 $cnt == 1 ? :
3874 0 0 unless my $prefs = $self->prefs
3875 0 0 unless my $where_prefs = $prefs->{$where}
3876 0 0 if ($where_prefs->{'expect'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($where_prefs->{'eexpect'}) { }
3891 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
3893 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'archived'})
3898 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'build_dir'})
3902 0 0 if (exists $self->{'writemakefile'} and $self->{'writemakefile'}->failed)
3910 0 0 if exists $self->{'make_clean'} and $self->{'make_clean'} eq 'YES'
3912 0 0 if @e
3914 0 0 unless CPAN::Distribution::chdir("$self->{'build_dir'}")
3916 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3918 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
3924 0 0 if ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
3925 0 0 unless (-f 'Build')
3937 0 0 if ($system_ok) { }
3974 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
3975 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'disabled'} and not $self->{'force_update'})
4010 0 0 unless $goto_do->called_for
4026 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4027 0 0 if (exists $self->{'install'})
4030 0 0 UNIVERSAL::can($self->{'install'}, 'text') ? :
4031 0 0 if ($text =~ /^YES/) { }
0 0 elsif ($text =~ /is only/) { }
4045 0 0 if $self->{$slot}
4060 0 0 unless my $obj = 'CPAN::Shell'->expandany($s)
4062 0 0 if ($type eq 'CPAN::Distribution')
4063 0 0 unless $obj->{'sponsored_mods'}
4064 0 0 if grep {$_ eq $module;} $self->containsmods
4077 0 0 if (exists $self->{'cleanup_after_install_done'})
4081 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4082 0 0 if (my $goto = $self->prefs->{'goto'})
4088 0 0 unless ($self->test)
4093 0 0 if (defined(my $sc = $self->shortcut_install))
4098 0 0 if ($CPAN::Signal)
4104 0 0 unless my $builddir = $self->dir
4107 0 0 unless (CPAN::Distribution::chdir($builddir))
4113 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4116 0 0 $self->{'modulebuild'} ? :
4119 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MacOS')
4126 0 0 if (my $commandline = $self->prefs->{'install'}{'commandline'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->{'modulebuild'}) { }
4134 0 0 exists $CPAN::HandleConfig::keys{'mbuild_install_build_command'} && $CPAN::Config->{'mbuild_install_build_command'} ? :
4135 0 0 $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
4149 0 0 $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'VMS' ? :
4156 0 0 if ($reqtype eq 'b')
4157 0 0 if ($brip eq 'no') { }
0 0 elsif ($brip =~ m[^ask/(.+)]) { }
4161 0 0 unless $default =~ /^(y|n)/i
4169 0 0 unless ($want_install =~ /^y/i)
4179 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5LIB'} ? :
4181 0 0 defined $ENV{'PERL5OPT'} ? :
4184 0 0 exists $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} && defined $ENV{'PERL_USE_UNSAFE_INC'} ? :
4186 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
4187 0 0 if $CPAN::Config->{'use_prompt_default'}
4190 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'install'})
4193 0 0 if $install_env
4195 0 0 unless ($run_allow_installing_within_test)
4197 0 0 unless ($allow_installing)
4208 0 0 unless ($pipe)
4227 0 0 if ($close_ok) { }
4231 0 0 if ($CPAN::Config->{'cleanup_after_install'} and not $self->is_dot_dist and not $self->is_being_sponsored)
4235 0 0 unless CPAN::Distribution::chdir($parent)
4238 0 0 if (-e $yml)
4239 0 0 unless unlink $yml
4249 0 0 if ($makeout =~ /permission/s and $> > 0 and !$mimc || $mimc eq 'CPAN::HandleConfig'->prefs_lookup($self, 'make'))
4269 0 0 unless ($CPAN::Config->{'cleanup_after_install'})
4282 0 0 if (@queue) { }
4284 0 0 if (-d $file) { }
4286 0 0 unless opendir $dh, $file
4290 0 0 if (-d $maybedir) { }
0 0 elsif (/\.pm$/) { }
4291 0 0 unless ('File::Spec'->catdir('blib', 'arch', 'auto') eq $maybedir)
4297 0 0 if (-f $mustbefile)
4303 0 0 if $_ ne '.'
4321 0 0 if ($self->{'CALLED_FOR'})
4328 0 0 if $allow_down eq 'yes' and $allow_outdd eq 'yes'
4331 0 0 if ($allow_outdd ne 'yes' and not $CPAN::META->has_inst('CPAN::DistnameInfo'))
4332 0 0 if grep {$_ eq 'CPAN::DistnameInfo';} $self->containsmods
4333 0 0 if ($allow_outdd ne 'yes')
4338 0 0 if $allow_down eq 'yes' and $allow_outdd eq 'yes'
4342 0 0 if ($allow_outdd ne 'yes')
4355 0 0 unless ($allow_down eq 'yes')
4356 0 0 if (my $inst_file = $self->_file_in_path($pmpath, \@INC))
4359 0 0 if ($cmp)
4360 0 0 if ($cmp < 0)
4364 0 0 if (@down)
4366 0 0 if (my($default) = $allow_down =~ m[^ask/(.+)])
4367 0 0 unless $default =~ /^(y|n)/i
4371 0 0 $answer =~ /^\s*y/i ? :
4373 0 0 if ($allow_down eq 'no')
4379 0 0 unless ($allow_outdd eq 'yes')
4383 0 0 if ($mo)
4387 0 0 if (my $mo_dist = $mo->distribution)
4390 0 0 if ($dni->dist eq $dist_dist)
4391 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vgt($dni->version, $dist_version))
4402 0 0 if (@outdd and $allow_outdd ne 'yes')
4404 0 0 if ($outdd[0]{'dist_dist'} eq $dist_dist)
4407 0 0 if (my($default) = $allow_outdd =~ m[^ask/(.+)])
4408 0 0 unless $default =~ /^(y|n)/i
4412 0 0 $answer =~ /^\s*y/i ? :
4414 0 0 if ($allow_outdd eq 'no')
4428 0 0 if (-f $pmfile)
4451 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('Pod::Perldocs')) { }
4452 0 0 unless my($perl) = $self->perl
4457 0 0 unless (($wstatus = system(@args)) == 0)
4475 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4478 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('File::Which')) { }
4482 0 0 unless $pid = open(README, "which $binary|")
4484 0 0 unless $pid
4488 0 0 unless close README
4493 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG and $out
4504 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4511 0 0 $web_browser ? :
4515 0 0 if ($web_browser_out) { }
4518 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4527 0 0 if ($saved_file)
4534 0 0 if ($html_converter_out) { }
4537 0 0 unless defined $saved_file
4541 0 0 unless $pid = open(README, "$html_converter $saved_file |")
4545 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('File::Temp')) { }
4556 0 0 unless open $fh, ">$filename"
4561 0 0 unless close README
4564 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4573 0 0 unless open FH, $tmpin
4578 0 0 unless $fh_pager->open("|$pager")
4601 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4605 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('File::Temp')) { }
4618 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_usable('LWP')) { }
4625 0 0 if ($@) { }
4631 0 0 if $var = $CPAN::Config->{'http_proxy'} || $ENV{'http_proxy'}
4633 0 0 if $var = $CPAN::Config->{'no_proxy'} || $ENV{'no_proxy'}
4639 0 0 if ($res->is_success) { }
4640 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4644 0 0 if $CPAN::DEBUG
4664 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') { }
0 0 elsif ($^O eq 'VMS') { }
4667 0 0 unless my($perl) = $self->perl
4679 0 0 unless defined $phase
4682 0 0 unless $CPAN::META->has_usable('CPAN::Reporter')
4687 0 0 unless $test_report
4691 0 0 if exists $self->{'should_report'}
4694 0 0 if ($self->{'had_no_makefile_pl'})
4702 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_inst('CPAN::Reporter'))
4711 0 0 if ('CPAN::Version'->vlt($crv, 0.99))
4713 0 0 if ($phase eq 'test') { }
4726 0 0 if ($self->is_dot_dist)
4731 0 0 if ($self->prefs->{'patches'} and @{$self->prefs->{'patches'};} and $self->{'patched'})
4752 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_inst('CPAN::DistnameInfo'))
4755 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_usable('LWP'))
4758 0 0 unless ($CPAN::META->has_usable('File::Temp'))
4763 0 0 if ($CPAN::META->has_inst('YAML::XS') or $CPAN::META->has_inst('YAML::Syck')) { }
0 0 elsif (not $format and $CPAN::META->has_inst('JSON::PP')) { }
4787 0 0 if ($@)
4792 0 0 unless ($resp->is_success)
4797 0 0 if ($format eq 'yaml') { }
4808 0 0 unless close $fh
4810 0 0 unless unlink $tfilename
4819 0 0 if ($rversion eq $version) { }
4820 0 0 unless ($this_version_seen++)
4834 0 0 $arch eq $Config::Config{'archname'} ? :
0 0 $grade eq 'FAIL' ? :
0 0 $grade eq 'PASS' ? :
4840 0 0 unless ($this_version_seen)