Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 30 93.3

line true false branch
136 0 3419 unless $self->_init_args
143 16 1566 if $self->_has_init_arg($attribute)
154 0 1200 if $self->_has_init_arg($attribute)
166 164 32 if ($lang and exists $CLDR::Number::Data::Base::DATA->{$lang}) { }
2 30 elsif ($self->default_locale) { }
184 4 192 if ($ext and $ext =~ / -nu- ( [^-]+ ) /x) { }
206 8 1 if defined $system and exists $CLDR::Number::Data::System::DATA->{$system}
214 16 223 unless defined $locale
227 13 210 if $script
228 119 104 if $region
244 692 292 if grep {not $_;} @$subtags
246 44 248 unless exists $CLDR::Number::Data::Base::DATA->{$locale}
249 41 207 if (my $parent = $CLDR::Number::Data::Base::PARENT->{$locale})
255 166 41 if (not @tree or $tree[-1] ne 'root')
270 1750 635 if exists $data->{$locale} and exists $data->{$locale}{$type} and exists $data->{$locale}{$type}{$key}