Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 18 88.8

line true false branch
78 2 166 if $self->_has_init_arg('currency_sign')
81 89 80 unless exists $data->{$locale} and exists $data->{$locale}{$self->currency_code}
95 16 70 $self->currency_code && exists $$currencies{$self->currency_code} ? :
97 0 86 if ($self->cash and exists $currency_data->{'cash_digits'}) { }
106 0 86 if ($self->cash and exists $currency_data->{'cash_rounding'}) { }
118 1 110 unless defined $num
120 1 109 unless $self->currency_code
127 4 105 if ($sign =~ / ^ \PS /x and $format =~ / \d $CLDR::Number::Format::Currency::C /x)
132 14 95 if ($sign =~ / \PS $ /x and $format =~ / $CLDR::Number::Format::Currency::C \d /x)