Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 20 28 71.4

line true false branch
31 4 15 unless (grep {$property eq $_;} @properties)
39 5 10 unless defined $cgi->param($param)
46 5 5 unless exists $self->{'_CACHE'}
66 1 4 if $browser->windows
67 0 5 if $browser->mac
74 0 5 unless $file[0]
89 0 5 if $binmode
112 0 5 length $mime_magic ? :
144 0 5 if defined $magic
152 1 7 if ($args and "HASH" ne ref $args)
158 3 0 if ($args and $args->{'query'})
162 1 6 if (ref $module) { }
173 0 5 if ("CGI::Simple" eq $module)
179 0 6 if ($module eq "CGI::Simple" and $CGI::Simple::VERSION < "0.075")