Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 166 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
133 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $sth->{'oq'}{'AutoSetLongReadLen'} and scalar @{$c->{'selected_lobs'};}
214 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $sth->{'oq'}{'AutoSetLongReadLen'} and scalar @{$c->{'selected_lobs'};}

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
133 0 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $sth->{'oq'}{'AutoSetLongReadLen'}
214 0 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $sth->{'oq'}{'AutoSetLongReadLen'}
443 0 0 0 not $select->[3]{'select_sql'} and $select->[3]{'date_format'}
461 0 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $sth->{'oq'}->get_col_types('select')->{$show} eq 'clob'
594 0 0 0 $c->{'sth'}{'TYPE'}[$i] eq '3' and $v->[$i] =~ /\./
1058 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'num' and not $rval =~ /^(\-?\d*\.\d+|\-?\d+)$/
0 0 0 $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $leftType eq 'clob'
1178 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'datetime' and $mi eq ''
1214 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'datetime' and $mi eq ''
1592 0 0 0 ref $oq->{$key}{$alias} eq 'ARRAY' and defined $oq->{$key}{$alias}[$i]
0 0 0 ref $oq->{$key}{$alias} eq 'ARRAY' and defined $oq->{$key}{$alias}[$i] and ref $oq->{$key}{$alias}[$i] ne 'ARRAY'
1605 0 0 0 exists $opts->{$opt} and ref $opts->{$opt} ne 'ARRAY'
1611 0 0 0 defined $dep and not exists $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}
1625 0 0 0 exists $opts->{'new_cursor'}{'keys'} and exists $opts->{'new_cursor'}{'join'}
0 0 0 exists $opts->{'new_cursor'}{'keys'} and exists $opts->{'new_cursor'}{'join'} and exists $opts->{'new_cursor'}{'sql'}
1632 0 0 0 defined $dep and not exists $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}
1640 0 0 0 defined $dep and not exists $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}
1649 0 0 0 defined $dep and not exists $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}
1705 0 0 0 $p > 0 and /\G(.)/cgs
1725 0 0 0 /\G\s*([\d\w\_]+)\s*/cgs and lc $1 ne 'on'
1933 0 0 0 $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' and $#binds == -1

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
256 0 0 $sth->{'limit'}[0] || 0
815 0 0 $oq->{'debug'} ||= 0
1064 0 0 uc $3 || 'DAY'
1578 0 0 $oq->{'select'}{$_}[3] ||= {}
1579 0 0 $oq->{'joins'}{$_}[3] ||= {}
1590 0 0 $oq->{$key} ||= {}
1880 0 0 shift() || 'default'
1891 0 0 shift() || 'default'
2103 0 0 $idx{$oq->{'joins'}{$dep}[0][0]} || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
143 0 0 0 not $sth->{'oq'}{'dbh'}{'LongReadLen'} or $SetLongReadLen > $sth->{'oq'}{'dbh'}{'LongReadLen'}
222 0 0 0 not $sth->{'oq'}{'dbh'}{'LongReadLen'} or $SetLongReadLen > $sth->{'oq'}{'dbh'}{'LongReadLen'}
257 0 0 0 $sth->{'limit'}[1] || $sth->count
445 0 0 0 $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' or $sth->{'oq'}{'dbtype'} eq 'Pg'
457 0 0 0 $select->[3]{'select_sql'} || $select->[1]
876 0 0 0 $f =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*\,?\s*/cg or $f =~ /\G\"([^\"]*)\"\s*\,?\s*/cg
0 0 0 $f =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*\,?\s*/cg or $f =~ /\G\"([^\"]*)\"\s*\,?\s*/cg or $f =~ /\G([^\)\,]*)\s*\,?\s*/cg
930 0 0 0 $f =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*/cg or $f =~ /\G\"([^\"]*)\"\s*/cg
1022 0 0 0 $leftName ||= $leftColAlias
1038 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'char' or $leftType eq 'clob'
1058 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'date' or $leftType eq 'datetime'
1252 0 0 0 $leftType eq 'char' or $leftType eq 'clob'
1419 0 0 0 $leftName ||= $leftColAlias
1427 0 0 0 $rightName ||= $rightColAlias
1452 0 0 0 $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' || $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'SQLite'
1499 0 0 0 $str =~ /\G(\-?\d*\.\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G(\-?\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg
0 0 0 $str =~ /\G(\-?\d*\.\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G(\-?\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*\,*\s*/cg
0 0 0 $str =~ /\G(\-?\d*\.\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G(\-?\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G\"([^\"]*)\"\s*\,*\s*/cg
0 0 0 $str =~ /\G(\-?\d*\.\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G(\-?\d+)\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G\'([^\']*)\'\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G\"([^\"]*)\"\s*\,*\s*/cg or $str =~ /\G(\w+)\s*\,*\s*/cg
1540 0 0 0 $sortLabel ||= $colAlias
1707 0 0 0 $c eq q['] or $c eq '"'
1884 0 0 0 $oq->{'select'}{$alias}[3]{'col_type'} || $oq->get_col_types($context)->{$alias}
1986 0 0 0 $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'Oracle' or $oq->{'dbtype'} eq 'Microsoft SQL Server'
2023 0 0 0 $oq->{'col_types'}{'select'}{$name} ||= $type
2024 0 0 0 $oq->{'col_types'}{'filter'}{$name} ||= $type
2025 0 0 0 $oq->{'col_types'}{'sort'}{$name} ||= $type
2093 0 0 0 not defined $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}[0] or exists $oq->{'joins'}{$dep}[3]{'new_cursor'}