Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 126 0.0

line true false branch
41 0 0 unless ref $schema eq 'HASH'
48 0 0 unless $o->{'dbh'} = $o->{'schema'}{'dbh'}
50 0 0 unless $o->{'q'} = $o->{'schema'}{'q'}
57 0 0 unless ref $o->{'schema'}{'select'} eq 'HASH'
59 0 0 unless ref $o->{'schema'}{'joins'} eq 'HASH'
64 0 0 unless defined $o->{'schema'}{'check'}
65 0 0 unless defined $o->{'schema'}{'check'}
70 0 0 unless ($o->{'schema'}{'URI'})
71 0 0 $o->{'q'}->can('uri') ? :
80 0 0 if (ref $o->{'schema'}{'state_params'} eq 'ARRAY')
82 0 0 if $p eq 'act'
83 0 0 if $p eq 'module'
84 0 0 if $p eq 'view'
107 0 0 if $find_dep_multival_status_i > 100
108 0 0 unless (exists $cached_dep_multival_status{$joinAlias})
110 0 0 if (exists $o->{'oq'}{'joins'}{$joinAlias}[3]{'new_cursor'}) { }
0 0 elsif (not @{$o->{'oq'}{'joins'}{$joinAlias}[0];}) { }
124 0 0 unless &$find_dep_multival_status($o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$selectAlias}[0][0])
128 0 0 unless $o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$selectAlias}[2]
131 0 0 unless ($o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$selectAlias}[1])
137 0 0 if ($o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$selectAlias}[3]{'select'} and ref $o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$selectAlias}[3]{'select'} ne 'ARRAY')
145 0 0 if ($on_select =~ /[^\,]+\,(.+)/)
149 0 0 if exists $o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$_}
154 0 0 if $o->{'schema'}{'check'} and not defined $o->{'q'}->param('module')
161 0 0 if ($o->{'schema'}{'savedSearchUserID'} =~ /^\d+$/)
168 0 0 if ref $v->{'on_init'} eq 'CODE'
173 0 0 if (exists $schemaparams->{$k}) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $o->{'q'}->param($k)) { }
190 0 0 unless (ref $o->{'show'})
197 0 0 unless (scalar @{$o->{'show'};})
199 0 0 unless $o->{'oq'}{'select'}{$_}[3]{'is_hidden'}
235 0 0 if (ref $thing eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $thing eq 'ARRAY') { }
238 0 0 if (exists $no_clone{$k}) { }
255 0 0 if $o->{'sth'}
261 0 0 if (ref $o->{'schema'}{'select'}{$colalias}[3]{'select'} eq 'ARRAY')
264 0 0 if ($o->{'schema'}{'select'}{$colalias}[1])
284 0 0 if ($o->{'sth'}->count == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($o->{'rows_page'} eq 'All' or $o->{'sth'}->count < $o->{'rows_page'}) { }
296 0 0 if $o->{'page'} > $o->{'num_pages'}
299 0 0 if $hi > $o->{'sth'}->count
327 0 0 if $o->{'sth'}
335 0 0 unless ($o->{'_opts'})
338 0 0 if (exists $o->{'schema'}{'options'}{$class}) { }
0 0 elsif ($class =~ s/\d+$// and exists $o->{'schema'}{'options'}{$class}) { }
358 0 0 if ($o->{'rec'} = $o->sth->fetchrow_hashref)
360 0 0 if ref $mutator eq 'CODE'
361 0 0 if ref $o->{'schema'}{'mutateRecord'} eq 'CODE'
369 0 0 unless $o->{'rec'}
376 0 0 unless $o->{'rec'}
383 0 0 ref $val eq 'ARRAY' ? :
388 0 0 unless (exists $o->{'_noEscapeColMap'})
389 0 0 unless $o->get_opts->{'noEscapeCol'}
392 0 0 if ($o->{'_noEscapeColMap'}{$colAlias}) { }
0 0 elsif (ref $val eq 'ARRAY') { }
393 0 0 if ref $val eq 'ARRAY'
408 0 0 if ($val2 ne '')
422 0 0 if ($val2 ne '')
427 0 0 $#val > -1 ? :
435 0 0 if ref $v1 eq 'ARRAY'
437 0 0 if ref $v2 eq 'ARRAY'
438 0 0 if $v1 ne $v2
442 0 0 if $args