Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 16 36 44.4

line true false branch
24 1 0 if ($self->nph or $query->nph)
53 0 11 if ($value =~ /$crlf|\015|\012/)
55 0 0 if length $value > 72
74 2 0 if $nph
75 2 0 if $status
76 2 0 if $target
78 2 0 if ($p3p)
79 0 2 ref $p3p eq 'ARRAY' ? :
83 2 0 ref $cookies eq 'ARRAY' ? :
84 0 2 unless $self->_bake_cookie($_)
87 2 0 if $expires
88 0 0 if $expires or @cookies or $nph
89 0 2 if $query->cache
91 2 0 if ($attachment)
98 2 0 unless (defined $type and $type eq '')
100 0 2 unless defined $charset
101 2 0 if $charset and not $value =~ /\bcharset\b/
110 2 0 ref $cookie eq 'CGI::Cookie' ? :