Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 21 32 65.6

line true false branch
44 2 216 if ($self->growable) { }
66 0 2 if $self->required
103 0 240 if $self->other
111 157 83 unless @value
117 0 240 if ($self->growable and $self->growable ne 1)
122 0 242 if ($limit and $count == $limit)
131 157 85 unless defined $value
133 2 240 if ($self->growable and $self->javascript)
151 0 0 if ($o eq $value)
158 2 240 if ($self->growable and $self->javascript) { }
162 0 2 unless $count == @value
164 0 240 if $self->linebreaks
168 0 240 if $limit and $count == $limit
171 2 238 if ($self->growable and $self->javascript)
172 0 2 $at_limit ? :
182 0 240 if $self->other