Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 41 46 89.1

line true false branch
60 2 44 if ($self->other)
74 8 38 if $self->required
102 4 44 if $self->other
109 32 16 if ($self->columns > 0)
115 0 48 unless @opt
118 104 44 if ($checkbox_table)
119 88 16 if $checkbox_col % $self->columns == 0
128 114 34 unless (defined $n)
130 114 0 unless (defined $n)
131 4 110 $self->nameopts ? :
135 14 134 ismember($o, @value) ? :
140 0 148 if (@opt == 1) { }
145 4 144 $o eq $self->othername ? :
150 10 138 if ($self->other and $self->javascript)
152 2 8 if ($n eq $$self{'_form'}{'messages'}->form_other_default) { }
164 104 44 $checkbox_table ? :
167 144 4 $self->cleanopts ? :
172 0 148 if $self->linebreaks
174 104 44 if ($checkbox_table)
177 88 16 if $checkbox_col % $self->columns == 0
181 0 48 if $checkbox_table and $checkbox_col % $self->columns > 0
182 32 16 if $checkbox_table
185 4 44 if $self->other