Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 68 82.3

line true false branch
34 1 39 $ENV{'HTTPS'} ? :
42 2 38 if (defined $pre)
45 1 1 if (defined $ENV{"HTTP_${pre}REMOTE_ADDR"})
48 1 0 $ENV{"HTTP_${pre}HTTPS"} ? :
54 2 38 if ($path =~ s[\A\w+://(?:[^/\@]*@)?([^/]+)][]msx)
60 1 39 unless (length $path)
67 2 1 if ($ENV{'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'} =~ /\ABasic\s+(\S+)\z/msx)
69 2 0 if (defined $pass)
75 1 2 unless (defined $self->{'REMOTE_PASS'})
82 14 26 if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST' or $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'PUT') { }
84 2 12 if ($opt->{'post_with_get'})
91 39 1 unless ($opt->{'keep_all_values'})
95 37 3 unless ($opt->{'raw'})
104 12 2 if (defined $name) { }
107 16 8 if (exists $self->{$method}{$name})
109 6 10 ref $value ? :
112 6 6 wantarray ? :
115 0 2 unless $self->{'POST'}
0 2 unless $self->{'GET'}
123 0 156 unless $p
124 44 10 unless ($name =~ /\[\]\z/msx)
137 0 185 unless $self->{$key}
138 16 47 if (ref $self->{$key}{$name}) { }
140 22 0 unless ($key eq 'POST' and defined $self->{'mimetype'}{$name}[$i])
146 45 2 unless ($key eq 'POST' and defined $self->{'mimetype'}{$name})
164 0 9 unless defined $value
169 0 9 if exists $self->{'cookie'}{$key}
185 1 13 if ($self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > $max_post)
191 13 0 if ($self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_LENGTH'} > 0)
195 1 12 if ($n != $self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_LENGTH'})
204 12 0 if ($self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_TYPE'})
205 2 10 if ($self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_TYPE'} =~ /$multipart/msx) { }
10 0 elsif ($self->{'ENV'}{'CONTENT_TYPE'} eq 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded') { }