Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 22 50.0

line true false branch
810 0 0 $_[0] ? :
815 0 0 unless ("ARRAY" eq ref $_[0] and $#{$_[0];} & 1)
996 0 0 if $#_
1001 0 0 if $#_
1465 1 207 unless $FILTER{$_[0]}
1471 0 0 unless $SAFE_FILTER{$_[0]}
1481 6 99 if (-2147483648 <= $_[0] and $_[0] <= 2147483647) { }
1485 77 22 if 1 & length $hex
1486 99 0 $_[0] >= 0 ? :
1493 97 1 -9223372036854775808 <= $e && $e <= 18446744073709551615 ? :
1503 1 1 $d * 1 == 1 ? :