Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 6 106 5.6

line true false branch
77 0 8 unless ref $HR_params eq 'HASH'
80 0 8 unless my $user_name = $$HR_params{'user'}
81 0 8 unless my $password = $$HR_params{'password'}
89 0 8 if $DEBUG
90 0 8 if $DEBUG >= 2
100 0 8 if $DEBUG >= 2
105 0 0 unless ($dbh)
109 0 0 unless $attemp_count > 10
114 0 0 unless $dbh
123 0 0 if $field =~ /DB$/
201 0 0 unless blessed $self
202 0 0 unless 'CAS::DB' eq caller
205 0 0 unless ref $HR_params eq 'HASH'
211 0 0 unless ($$HR_params{'USER'} and $$HR_params{'USER'} =~ /^\d+$/)
216 0 0 unless ($$HR_params{'RESOURCE'})
222 0 0 unless ($$HR_params{'CLIENT'} and $$HR_params{'CLIENT'} =~ /^\d+$/)
229 0 0 if ($$HR_params{'MASK'} and $$HR_params{'MASK'} =~ /^\d{1,2}$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$HR_params{'PERMISSION'} and $from_text_mask{$$HR_params{'PERMISSION'}}) { }
259 0 0 if $debug > 1
262 0 0 if ($DBI::err)
268 0 0 if ($has_perm)
277 0 0 if ($DBI::err)
282 0 0 unless (@{$AR_groups;})
294 0 0 if $debug > 1
297 0 0 if ($DBI::err)
303 0 0 if ($has_perm)
308 0 0 if $debug
356 0 0 unless blessed $self
357 0 0 unless 'CAS::DB' eq caller
360 0 0 unless ref $HR_params eq 'HASH'
366 0 0 if (defined $$HR_params{'CLIENT_ID'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$HR_params{'CLIENT_NAME'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$HR_params{'CLIENT_DOMAIN'}) { }
384 0 0 if ($DBI::err)
390 0 0 if $debug > 1
405 0 0 unless blessed $self
406 0 0 unless 'CAS::DB' eq caller
407 0 0 unless my $desc_stmnt = shift()
412 0 0 unless ($desc_stmnt =~ /^DESC [\w\.]+ \w+$/i)
419 0 0 if ($DBI::err)
425 0 0 unless ($enum =~ /^enum|^set/i)
435 0 0 unless (@enums)
449 0 0 unless blessed $self
450 0 0 unless 'CAS::DB' eq caller
457 0 0 unless ($$self{'dbh'}->can($method))
472 0 0 unless blessed $self
476 0 0 if $self->response_is(202)
480 0 0 unless $self->response_is(200)
488 0 0 unless blessed $self
492 0 0 if $self->response_is(202)
496 0 0 if $self->response_is(200)
499 0 0 wantarray ? :
509 0 0 if ($dbh and $dbh->ping)