Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 89 174 51.1

line true false branch
245 0 3 unless $objnode
253 1 2 if ($propdict->{'FT'} and $self->getValue($propdict->{'FT'}) =~ /^Btn$/o) { }
255 1 0 defined $dict->{'AS'}{'value'} ? :
260 0 1 unless wantarray
305 0 12 ref $_[0] ? :
319 0 25 unless defined $value
320 0 25 if not $key or ref $key
323 0 25 unless $objnode
335 25 0 if ($propdict->{'FT'} and $self->getValue($propdict->{'FT'}) =~ /^(Tx|Btn)$/o)
338 2 23 if ($fieldType eq 'Btn') { }
341 0 2 if (@kidnames > 0) { }
345 0 0 unless $objnode
347 0 0 if ($indx == $vindx) { }
355 0 0 $value > 0 ? :
361 0 2 if (not $value or $value =~ /^(?:Off|No|Unchecked)$/io) { }
367 2 0 defined($dict->{'AP'}{'value'}{'N'}{'value'} && ref($dict->{'AP'}{'value'}{'N'}{'value'}) =~ /^HASH/) ? :
381 23 0 unless $dict->{'AP'}
382 23 0 unless ($dict->{'AP'}{'value'}{'N'})
394 0 23 $fieldType eq 'Btn' && defined $dict->{'AS'}{'value'} && $dict->{'AS'}{'value'} && defined $dict->{'AP'}{'value'}{'N'}{'value'}{$dict->{'AS'}{'value'}}{'value'} ? :
400 23 0 unless $formdict->{'Subtype'}
403 23 0 if ($dict->{'Rect'})
417 23 0 unless ($formdict->{'BBox'})
444 23 0 if ($propdict->{'DA'})
454 23 0 if ($da =~ m[ \s*/([\w-]+)\s+([.\d]+)\s+Tf.*? \z ]mosx)
458 23 0 if ($fontname)
460 0 23 if ($propdict->{'DR'})
473 22 1 if ($propdict->{'Ff'})
488 23 0 if ($propdict->{'Q'})
491 1 10 $q == 1 ? :
12 11 $q == 2 ? :
495 0 23 if $flags{'Password'}
497 0 23 if ($fontmetrics and not $fontsize)
506 0 0 if $w and $w > $stringwidth
513 0 0 if $fontwidth > $maxwidth
516 23 0 if ($fontsize)
527 0 23 if ($flags{'Multiline'}) { }
537 0 0 $fontsize ? :
543 0 0 if $flags{'Justify'} ne 'left'
549 13 10 if ($flags{'Justify'} ne 'left')
553 0 13 if ($stringwidth or $fontmetrics) { }
562 0 13 if $diff < 0
564 1 12 if ($flags{'Justify'} eq 'center') { }
12 0 elsif ($flags{'Justify'} eq 'right') { }
581 0 23 ref $opts{'background_color'} ? :
0 23 $opts{'background_color'} eq 'none' ? :
583 23 0 $background_color ? :
587 23 0 unless ($fieldType eq 'Btn')
596 23 0 if (@rsrcs > 0)
598 23 0 unless $formdict->{'Resources'}
601 23 0 unless ($rdict->{'ProcSet'})
611 23 0 unless $rdict->{'Font'}
624 0 23 unless (exists $ifdict->{'DR'})
632 0 23 unless ($fobjnum)
662 220 2 defined $parentname ? :
665 220 2 if (defined $parentname and $parentname ne '') { }
668 0 220 unless $parent
670 216 4 unless exists $dict->{'Kids'}
676 0 2 unless $root
678 0 2 unless exists $parent->{'Fields'}
686 0 218 if (not ref $kid or ref $kid ne 'CAM::PDF::Node' or $kid->{'type'} ne 'reference')
694 218 0 if exists $dict->{'T'}
698 0 218 if exists $dict->{'TU'}
701 4 214 if (@kidnames > 0)
726 0 248 unless defined $fieldname
728 0 248 unless (exists $self->{'formcache'}{$fieldname})
732 0 0 if ($fieldname =~ / [.] /msx) { }
736 0 0 if $fieldname =~ s/ \A(.*)[.]([^.]+)\z /$2/msx
737 0 0 unless $parentname
739 0 0 unless $parent
741 0 0 unless exists $dict->{'Kids'}
747 0 0 unless $root
749 0 0 unless $parent
751 0 0 unless exists $dict->{'Fields'}
761 0 0 if exists $dict->{'T'}
762 0 0 if exists $dict->{'TU'}
781 0 22413 unless ref $objnode
785 0 22413 unless defined $key and $key
792 1272 0 $key eq 'object' ? :
1607 1272 $key eq 'dictionary' ? :
625 2879 $key eq 'array' ? :
4167 3504 $key eq 'label' ? :
0 7671 $key eq 'null' ? :
14 7671 $key eq 'boolean' ? :
2600 7685 $key eq 'reference' ? :
11463 10285 $key eq 'number' ? :
161 21748 $key eq 'hexstring' ? :
504 21909 $key eq 'string' ? :