Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 21 93 22.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
233 1 0 0 $$self{'valid'} != 3 and $$self{'valid'} != 131
267 0 1 6 $field and 13 != unpack('C', $field)
1 0 6 $field and 13 != unpack('C', $field) and 10 != unpack('C', $field)
1 6 0 $field and 13 != unpack('C', $field) and 10 != unpack('C', $field) and $$self{'flags'}{'ignoreHeaderBytes'} || $pos < $$self{'nheaderbytes'}
293 0 0 0 $$self{'flags'}{'allowOffByOne'} and abs $oldvalue - $newvalue <= 1
296 0 0 0 $$self{'flags'}{'verbose'} and $oldvalue != $$self{'nheaderbytes'}
361 0 1 0 @_ > 0 and $_[0]
0 1 0 @_ > 0 and $_[0] and not ref $_[0]
421 0 0 0 @columns == 0 and ref $pkg_or_self
432 0 0 0 $column && ref $column
470 0 0 0 $$column{'type'} eq 'L' and $$column{'length'} != 1
475 0 0 0 $$column{'type'} eq 'D' and $$column{'length'} != 8
729 1 150 14957 $$self{'rowcache'} and $rownum < $$self{'rowcache2'}
151 1 14956 $$self{'rowcache'} and $rownum < $$self{'rowcache2'} and $rownum >= $$self{'rowcache1'}
1134 0 0 0 @_ > 0 and not $_[0] =~ /\A\-/msx
1143 0 0 0 $key =~ /\A\-(\w+)\z/msx and exists $args{$1}
0 0 0 $key =~ /\A\-(\w+)\z/msx and exists $args{$1} and @_ > 0
1163 0 0 0 $args{'enclose'} eq '' && $args{'escape'} eq ''
1220 0 0 0 defined $buffer and $value != 13
0 0 0 defined $buffer and $value != 13 and $value != 10

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 1 0 1 not defined $filemode or $filemode eq ''
233 0 0 1 not $$self{'valid'} or $$self{'valid'} != 3 and $$self{'valid'} != 131
267 0 6 0 $$self{'flags'}{'ignoreHeaderBytes'} || $pos < $$self{'nheaderbytes'}
432 0 0 0 not $column && ref $column or 'HASH' ne ref $column
439 0 0 0 not defined $$column{$key} or $$column{$key} =~ /\A\s*\z/msx
668 0 0 7554 !$v || $v =~ /[nNfF]/msx
948 0 0 15108 $rownum < 0 or $rownum >= $$self{'nrecords'}
977 0 0 0 $row_start < 0 or $row_start >= $$self{'nrecords'}
1068 0 0 0 $rownum < 0 or $rownum >= $$self{'nrecords'}
1154 0 0 0 $args{'startrow'} < 0 or $args{'endrow'} >= $self->nrecords
1172 0 0 0 $args{'enclose'} ne '' or $args{'escape'} ne ''