Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 28 32 87.5

line true false branch
51 0 36 if (ref($_) =~ /array/) { }
90 14 0 if ($$self{'content'}[$col - 1]) { }
131 32 153 if ($$refa_filter[0])
133 16 16 if (not ref($$refa_filter[0]) =~ /array/i) { }
139 3 2 if ($commentzeile =~ /$$refa_filter[0]/) { }
158 7 3 if ($commentzeile =~ /$vergleichsString/)
171 24 161 if (grep {$_ eq 'false';} @colFilterResults)
177 90 311 if ($$refa_filter[$col]) { }
184 70 20 if (not ref($$refa_filter[$col]) =~ /array/i) { }
188 25 45 if ($$self{'content'}[$x] and $$self{'content'}[$x] =~ /^$$refa_filter[$col]$/) { }
206 15 25 if ($$self{'content'}[$x] and $$self{'content'}[$x] =~ /^$vergleichsString$/)
215 5 40 if ($colFilterResults[$col] eq 'false')
227 39 66 if ($_)
0 111 if (grep {if ($_) { $_ eq 'false'; } ;} @colFilterResults) { }
254 0 2 unless ($_ =~ /^\$/)
269 39 4 if (defined ${$$self{'content'};}[$x])