Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 52 0.0

line true false branch
111 0 0 if (defined $type) { }
0 0 elsif (-d $filename and -e "$filename/$circtag") { }
0 0 elsif ($filename =~ s/^circ(\..*?):// and -d $filename) { }
112 0 0 if $type eq 'circ'
140 0 0 if ($$opts{'type'} =~ /(\..*)$/) { }
147 0 0 unless $info = $self->pingcirc($directory)
155 0 0 if ($$s{'l'}) { }
165 0 0 if $$n{'l'}
170 0 0 unless $line
172 0 0 if $$s{'c'}
173 0 0 if $$n{'c'}
200 0 0 if (-e $directory) { }
201 0 0 unless -d $directory
204 0 0 unless mkdir $directory
208 0 0 if (my $inf = $self->pingcirc($directory))
209 0 0 unless $suffix
211 0 0 if ($opts{'type'} =~ /(\..*)$/)
214 0 0 unless $suffix
219 0 0 if $$s{'l'}
220 0 0 if $$n{'l'}
223 0 0 unless open CIRCLESOUT, ">$outfile"
230 0 0 if $$opts{'kok'}
253 0 0 unless open TAG, "$directory/$circtag"
279 0 0 if $existing
280 0 0 if ($$opts{'info'})
286 0 0 unless open CDATA, ">$circfile"