Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 101 102 99.0

line true false branch
107 29 23 if ($input) { }
109 3 26 unless $input =~ /^\s*</u
113 1 28 if $@
118 2 26 if ($@)
122 2 0 if $@
164 26 23 unless defined $self->{'_from'}
165 26 23 unless defined $self->{'_to'}
166 26 23 unless defined $self->{'_sender'}
175 6 20 if exists $msg->{'deploymentMode'} and $msg->{'deploymentMode'} eq "test"
176 2 24 if exists $msg->{'inReplyTo'}
180 4 76 if ($_->nodeName eq 'Status') { }
25 51 elsif ($_->nodeType == 1) { }
188 5 21 if $className eq "Message"
189 18 8 if $className eq "Request"
190 3 23 if $className eq "Response"
192 4 22 if ($status) { }
204 27 44 if defined $self->{'_payload'}
207 18 26 if $self->is_request
208 18 26 if $self->is_response
254 1 5 if exists $args{'submit_button'}
256 1 5 if defined $args{'target'}
259 1 5 if defined $err
284 3 38 if ($@)
293 4 41 if defined $self->{'string'}
298 21 20 unless ($self->is_response)
302 12 9 if $self->is_message
309 12 29 if $self->is_message
310 9 32 if $self->is_request
311 20 21 if $self->is_response
313 3 18 $self->{'test'} ? :
21 20 unless $self->is_response
314 2 10 if $self->is_message and $self->{'_inreplyto'}
317 21 20 if ($self->is_response or $self->is_message and $self->{'status'}{'code'} != 200)
326 13 28 if $self->{'status'}{'code'} >= 300 or $self->{'status'}{'description'} eq "Pong!"
328 18 10 if (ref $self->{'_payload'})
422 1 54 if (ref $_[1]) { }
4 50 elsif (%props) { }
433 1 66 if (ref $_[1]) { }
4 62 elsif (%props) { }
443 1 68 if (ref $_[1]) { }
1 67 elsif (%props) { }
459 14 10 $test ? :
24 22 if @_ > 1
487 15 2 if @_ > 1
507 3 124 if ($bool)
516 2 85 if ($bool)
525 17 208 if ($bool)
542 1 1 if (defined $lang)
561 5 72 if (defined $type)
747 53 19 if ($code)
748 52 1 if (exists $CXML_STATUS_CODES{$code}) { }