Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 70 318 22.0

line true false branch
134 0 0 unless (defined $cartType)
138 0 0 if ($cartType eq '')
154 0 0 unless (defined $ecommerceIndicator)
158 0 0 if ($ecommerceIndicator eq '')
178 0 4 unless (defined $ccNo)
182 0 4 if ($ccNo eq '')
186 0 4 if ($ccNo =~ /\D/)
190 0 4 if (length $ccNo < 13 or length $ccNo > 19)
206 3 1 unless (defined $ccVerNo)
210 0 1 if ($ccVerNo eq '')
214 0 1 if ($ccVerNo =~ /\D/)
233 0 4 unless (defined $expireMonth)
237 0 4 if ($expireMonth eq '')
242 0 4 if ($expireMonth =~ /\D/)
248 0 4 if ($iExpireMonth < 1 or $iExpireMonth > 12)
268 0 4 unless (defined $expireYear)
272 0 4 if (length $expireYear != 4)
276 0 4 if ($expireYear =~ /\D/)
297 0 4 unless (defined $chargeType)
301 0 4 if ($chargeType eq '')
306 0 0 unless ($chargeType eq SALE() or $chargeType eq AUTH() or $chargeType eq CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID() or $chargeType eq FORCE_AUTH() or $chargeType eq FORCE_SALE() or $chargeType eq QUERY_PAYMENT() or $chargeType eq QUERY_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CLOSE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CANCEL_ORDER() or $chargeType eq VOID_AUTH() or $chargeType eq VOID_CAPTURE() or $chargeType eq VOID_CREDIT() or $chargeType eq CREATE_ORDER() or $chargeType eq CREDIT() or $chargeType eq ADJUSTMENT())
335 0 4 unless (defined $chargeTotal)
340 0 4 unless ($chargeTotal =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/)
346 0 4 if ($dChargeTotal < 0)
374 0 0 if (not defined $CardBrand or $CardBrand eq '')
379 0 0 if ($CardBrand ne VISA() and $CardBrand ne MASTERCARD() and $CardBrand ne AMERICAN_EXPRESS() and $CardBrand ne DISCOVER() and $CardBrand ne NOVA() and $CardBrand ne AMEX() and $CardBrand ne DINERS() and $CardBrand ne EUROCARD() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_1() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_2() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_3() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_4() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_5() and $CardBrand ne CARD_BRAND_6())
407 4 0 unless (defined $OrderId)
423 0 0 unless (defined $CaptureReferenceId)
440 0 0 unless (defined $ReferenceId)
455 0 4 unless (defined $OrderDescription)
473 0 0 unless (defined $OrderUserId)
489 0 0 unless (defined $BankApprovalCode)
505 0 0 unless (defined $DuplicateCheck)
527 0 0 unless (defined $TaxAmount)
531 0 0 unless ($TaxAmount =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/)
537 0 0 if ($dTaxAmount < 0)
561 0 0 unless (defined $ShippingCharge)
565 0 0 unless ($ShippingCharge =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/)
571 0 0 if ($dShippingCharge < 0)
589 1 3 unless (defined $BillFirstName)
605 1 3 unless (defined $BillLastName)
621 0 0 unless (defined $BillMiddleName)
637 0 0 unless (defined $BillCustomerTitle)
653 4 0 unless (defined $BillCompany)
670 0 4 unless (defined $BillAddressOne)
687 0 0 unless (defined $BillAddressTwo)
703 0 4 unless (defined $BillCity)
719 0 4 unless (defined $BillStateOrProvince)
735 0 4 unless (defined $BillPostalCode)
756 4 0 unless (defined $BillCountryCode)
761 0 0 if (isValidCountryCode($BillCountryCode)) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $CountryCode) { }
783 3 1 unless (defined $BillEmail)
787 0 1 unless ($BillEmail =~ /.+\@.+\..+/)
803 1 3 unless (defined $BillPhone)
819 4 0 unless (defined $BillFax)
835 4 0 unless (defined $BillNote)
851 4 0 unless (defined $ShipFirstName)
867 4 0 unless (defined $ShipLastName)
884 0 0 unless (defined $ShipMiddleName)
900 0 0 unless (defined $ShipCustomerTitle)
916 4 0 unless (defined $ShipCompany)
933 4 0 unless (defined $ShipAddressOne)
950 0 0 unless (defined $ShipAddressTwo)
966 4 0 unless (defined $ShipCity)
982 4 0 unless (defined $ShipStateOrProvince)
998 4 0 unless (defined $ShipPostalCode)
1019 4 0 unless (defined $ShipCountryCode)
1024 0 0 if (isValidCountryCode($ShipCountryCode)) { }
0 0 elsif (defined $CountryCode) { }
1046 4 0 unless (defined $ShipEmail)
1062 4 0 unless (defined $ShipPhone)
1078 4 0 unless (defined $ShipFax)
1094 4 0 unless (defined $ShipNote)
1110 0 0 unless (defined $Currency)
1125 4 0 unless (defined $buyerCode)
1140 0 0 unless (defined $cavv)
1155 4 0 unless (defined $ip)
1170 0 4 unless (defined $orderCustomerID)
1185 0 0 unless (defined $purchaseOrderNumber)
1200 0 0 unless (defined $stateTax)
1205 0 0 unless ($stateTax =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/)
1211 0 0 if ($stateTax < 0)
1227 0 0 unless (defined $track1)
1242 0 0 unless (defined $track2)
1257 0 4 unless (defined $tcc)
1272 0 0 unless (defined $xid)
1287 0 0 unless (defined $taxExempt)
1302 1 3 unless (defined $invoiceNumber)
1319 0 0 unless (defined $authenticationTransactionId)
1336 0 0 unless (defined $authenticationPayload)
1353 0 0 unless (defined $successOnAuthenticationInconclusive)
1374 0 4 unless (defined $industry)
1378 0 4 if ($industry eq '')
1383 0 0 unless ($industry eq DIRECT_MARKETING() or $industry eq RETAIL() or $industry eq LODGING() or $industry eq RESTAURANT())
1402 0 0 unless (defined $folioNumber)
1424 0 0 unless (defined $ServiceRate)
1428 0 0 unless ($ServiceRate =~ /^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$/)
1434 0 0 if ($dServiceRate < 0)
1452 0 0 unless (defined $serviceEndDay)
1456 0 0 if ($serviceEndDay eq '')
1461 0 0 if ($serviceEndDay =~ /\D/)
1467 0 0 if ($serviceEndDay < 1 or $serviceEndDay > 31)
1484 0 0 unless (defined $serviceEndMonth)
1488 0 0 if ($serviceEndMonth eq '')
1493 0 0 if ($serviceEndMonth =~ /\D/)
1499 0 0 if ($serviceEndMonth < 1 or $serviceEndMonth > 12)
1515 0 0 unless (defined $serviceEndYear)
1519 0 0 if ($serviceEndYear eq '')
1524 0 0 if ($serviceEndYear =~ /\D/)
1530 0 0 if ($serviceEndYear < 2005 or $serviceEndYear > 9999)
1547 0 0 unless (defined $serviceStartDay)
1551 0 0 if ($serviceStartDay eq '')
1556 0 0 if ($serviceStartDay =~ /\D/)
1562 0 0 if ($serviceStartDay < 1 or $serviceStartDay > 31)
1579 0 0 unless (defined $serviceStartMonth)
1583 0 0 if ($serviceStartMonth eq '')
1588 0 0 if ($serviceStartMonth =~ /\D/)
1594 0 0 if ($serviceStartMonth < 1 or $serviceStartMonth > 12)
1610 0 0 unless (defined $serviceStartYear)
1614 0 0 if ($serviceStartYear eq '')
1619 0 0 if ($serviceStartYear =~ /\D/)
1625 0 0 if ($serviceStartYear < 2005 or $serviceStartYear > 9999)
1644 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesRestaurant)
1660 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesGiftshop)
1676 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesMinibar)
1692 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesPhone)
1708 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesLaundry)
1724 0 0 unless (defined $isChargeTotalIncludesOther)
1740 0 0 unless (defined $isServiceNoShow)
2958 4 0 if ($temp == -1)
2991 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3015 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3039 4 0 if ($temp == -1)
3077 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3091 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3105 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3119 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3133 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3147 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }
3161 4 0 if ($temp eq '') { }
0 0 elsif ($temp) { }
0 0 elsif (not $temp) { }