Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
124 0 0 if not defined $$self{'_content'}{$_} or $$self{'_content'}{$_} eq ''
132 0 0 if lc $content{'type'} ne 'echeck'
134 0 0 unless exists $trans_type{$action}
143 0 0 if (ref $value eq 'CODE') { }
0 0 elsif (defined $content{$value} and $content{$value} ne '') { }
0 0 elsif (exists $defaults{$value}) { }
155 0 0 if ($self->test_transaction)
164 0 0 unless ($response =~ /^200/)
171 0 0 if ($reply =~ /^P1=(\d+)&P2=([\w ]*)(&P3=(\S+))?/) { }
172 0 0 if ($1 == 0) { }
178 0 0 $4 ? :
194 0 0 if $@
200 0 0 if ($self->can($_) and $self->$_) { }
206 0 0 if @missing
207 0 0 if $self->can('ftp_path')
219 0 0 unless my $ftp = 'Net::FTP'->new($host)
221 0 0 unless $ftp->login($user, $pass)
222 0 0 if $path
227 0 0 if ($filename =~ /^\w+_RET(\d{8}).csv$/ and $1 >= $start and $1 <= $end)
230 0 0 unless $ftp->get($filename, "$tmp/$1")