Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 45 96 46.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
214 0 0 40 defined $args{'mode'} and $product_codes{$args{'mode'}}
377 12 0 4 $$self{'international'} and $type eq 'tracking'
495 0 0 0 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
498 0 0 0 $$self{'test'} and not $$self{'customer_number'}
523 0 0 0 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
552 0 0 0 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
581 0 0 0 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
610 16 0 8 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
641 32 0 8 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
683 4 0 6 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
704 1 4 1 exists $countries{$string} and $countries{$string}{'kpg'}
730 16 0 25 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
768 16 0 8 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
801 16 0 0 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
835 16 0 1 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
844 1 0 0 $$self{'mode'} eq 'access' and $number eq '1'
876 16 0 4 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
885 0 1 2 $$self{'mode'} eq 'access_f' and $number ne '00'
917 12 0 2 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
954 12 0 1 @_ > 0 and defined $_[0]
1020 28 5 8 $self->international and @codes == 8

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
240 11 2 27 $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_i' or $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_i_kpg'
341 8 4 4 $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_om' or $self->international
440 0 0 0 $type eq 'tracking' or $type eq 'sorting'
451 0 0 0 $$self{'scale'} || $args{'scale'}
456 0 0 0 $$self{'height'} || $args{'height'}
461 0 0 0 $$self{'padding'} || $args{'padding'}
691 0 1 5 $$self{'mode'} eq 'access_f' or $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_f'
736 1 1 5 $string eq '0' or not $string =~ /^[A-Z0-9]{1,10}$/
925 0 0 2 $number == 0 or $self->international
0 2 0 $number == 0 or $self->international or $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_om'
962 0 1 0 $number == 0 or $$self{'mode'} eq 'expert_om'