Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 34 40 85.0

line true false branch
37 1 9 if (not defined $arg) { }
5 4 elsif (ref $arg eq 'HASH') { }
1 3 elsif (defined &openhandle($arg)) { }
49 5 5 if (defined $self->{'file'} and not defined $self->{'fh'})
50 0 5 unless (-f $self->{'file'})
55 0 5 unless &Bro::Log::Parse::open(my $fh, '<', $self->{'file'})
59 1 2 unless (defined $self->{'fh'} or defined $self->{'diamond'} and $self->{'diamond'})
63 7 2 if (defined $self->{'fh'}) { }
83 56 16 defined $in ? :
89 0 72 unless ($line =~ /^#/)
94 9 63 if ('#fields' eq $type) { }
9 54 elsif ('#types' eq $type) { }
115 26 5 defined $fh ? :
121 12 16 if ($line =~ /^#/)
122 1 11 if ('#fields' eq shift @fields)
134 0 16 unless (scalar @names == scalar @fields)
135 0 0 if $removed == 0
141 80 240 if ($field eq '-') { }
14 226 elsif ($field eq '(empty)') { }
144 1 13 $self->{'empty_as_undef'} ? :