Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 16 0.0

line true false branch
37 0 0 if (defined $pick) { }
71 0 0 if ($player_pick->pick->region->id == $region_id)
77 0 0 if (defined $winning_pick) { }
78 0 0 if ($winning_pick->pick->id == $player_pick->pick->id) { }
95 0 0 if ($player_pick->game->round >= $player_pick->pick->round_out) { }
130 0 0 if $player != $c->user->id and not "admin" eq any(@user_roles)
135 0 0 if $c->user->id eq any(@open_edit_ids)
136 0 0 if ($c->stash->{"is_game_time"} and not $c->stash->{"is_admin"} || $edit_allowed)