Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 24 30 80.0

line true false branch
26 770 259 if (@path > 1 and ref $path[-1])
41 474 4 if (@path and $item->$Bolts::Role::RootLocator::_can('does') and $item->$Bolts::Role::RootLocator::_does('Bolts::Role::Locator'))
45 473 1026 if $current_path
57 0 63 if (@path > 1 and ref $path[-1])
62 59 4 if ('ARRAY' eq ref $bag) { }
2 2 elsif ('HASH' eq ref $bag) { }
83 1036 535 if $item->$Bolts::Role::RootLocator::_can('does') and $item->$Bolts::Role::RootLocator::_does('Bolts::Role::Artifact')
94 0 1506 unless defined $bag
98 1503 3 if (&Scalar::Util::blessed($bag)) { }
1 2 elsif (ref $bag eq 'HASH') { }
2 0 elsif (ref $bag eq 'ARRAY') { }
101 1 1502 if ($bag->can('does') and $bag->does('Bolts::Role::Opaque')) { }
1502 0 elsif ($bag->can($component)) { }
118 0 1 if (exists $$bag{$component}) { }
128 0 2 if ($component =~ /^\d+$/ and @{$bag;} > $component) { }