Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 107 116 92.2

line true false branch
140 4 6 if ($factors and scalar @$factors) { }
146 10 0 if $factors
166 44 0 unless ($self->_parsed)
193 0 88 unless keys %{$$self{'_factors'};}
198 96 50 if (exists $hash->{$fact} and $hash->{$fact} =~ /^N/)
222 10 88 if ($array)
225 17 0 if (exists $FACTS->{$f}) { }
253 0 44 if (defined $parsed)
282 20 10 unless $line =~ /^>(\S+)|^# SignalP-[NHM]+ \S+ predictions/
284 5 5 if ($line =~ /^>(\S+)/) { }
5 0 elsif ($line =~ /^# SignalP-[NHM]+ \S+ predictions/) { }
322 38 207 if ($line =~ /^SignalP-NN result:/)
326 27 218 if ($line =~ /^SignalP-HMM result:/)
331 42 203 if ($line =~ /^---------/ and $feature)
333 16 26 if $new_feature
373 38 312 if ($line =~ /^SignalP-NN result:/)
378 0 312 unless $ok
380 38 274 if ($line =~ /^\>(\S+)\s+length/) { }
38 236 elsif ($line =~ /max\.\s+C\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { }
38 198 elsif ($line =~ /max\.\s+Y\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { }
38 160 elsif ($line =~ /max\.\s+S\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { }
38 122 elsif ($line =~ /mean\s+S\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { }
38 84 elsif ($line =~ /\s+D\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(\S+)/) { }
8 76 elsif ($line =~ /Most likely cleavage site between pos\.\s+(\d+)/) { }
38 38 elsif ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { }
424 10 28 if ($self->_filterok(\%facts))
460 11 202 if $line =~ /^\s*$/o
462 30 172 if ($line =~ /^SignalP-HMM result:/)
467 0 172 unless $ok
469 35 137 if ($line =~ /^>(\S+)/) { }
30 107 elsif ($line =~ /Prediction: (.+)$/) { }
30 77 elsif ($line =~ /Signal peptide probability: ([0-9\.]+)/) { }
30 47 elsif ($line =~ /Signal anchor probability: ([0-9\.]+)/) { }
24 23 elsif ($line =~ /Max cleavage site probability: (\S+) between pos. \S+ and (\S+)/) { }
471 11 24 unless $self->seqname
487 20 4 if $2 > 1 and not $feature_hash->{'end'}
488 20 4 unless $feature_hash->{'start'}
526 5 55 if $line =~ /^\s*$|^# name/
528 5 50 if ($line =~ /^#/)
529 2 1 $line =~ /SignalP-NN/ ? :
2 3 $line =~ /SignalP-NN .+ SignalP-HMM/ ? :
544 40 10 if ($method eq 'both' or $method eq 'nn') { }
10 0 elsif ($method eq 'hmm') { }
560 20 20 if ($method eq 'both')
561 18 2 $data[15] eq 'Q' ? :
568 9 1 $data[1] eq 'Q' ? :
576 20 30 if ($self->_filterok($factors))
585 18 2 if $new_feat
608 3 34 unless ($feat->{'name'} and $feat->{'start'} and $feat->{'end'})
617 26 8 defined $feat->{'peptideProb'} ? :
629 26 8 if $feat->{'cleavageSiteProb'}
630 18 16 if $feat->{'nnPrediction'}
631 18 16 if defined $feat->{'maxCprob'}
632 18 16 if defined $feat->{'maxSprob'}
633 18 16 if defined $feat->{'maxYprob'}
634 18 16 if defined $feat->{'meanSprob'}
635 18 16 if defined $feat->{'Dprob'}
655 88 65 if (defined $seqname)