Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 50 80 62.5

line true false branch
149 0 0 if ($method and not $method =~ /fgenesh/i)
200 1 4 unless $self->_predictions_parsed
205 4 1 if ($gene)
212 4 0 unless ($seqobj)
215 0 4 if ($id =~ /mrna/ or $id =~ /cds/) { }
221 4 0 if ($seqobj)
230 0 4 if (not $id =~ /_predicted_(\w+)_$prednr/) { }
234 4 0 if ($1 eq 'protein') { }
0 0 elsif ($1 eq 'mrna' or $1 eq 'cds') { }
242 0 0 if ($id =~ /_cds_/)
276 27 14 if (/^\s*(\d+)\s+([+\-])/)
281 6 21 $2 eq '+' ? :
283 4 23 unless (defined $gene)
300 19 8 if ($is_exon) { }
333 19 8 if ($is_exon) { }
4 4 elsif ($flds[3] eq 'PolA') { }
4 0 elsif ($flds[3] eq 'TSS') { }
338 4 15 if ($predobj->strand == 1) { }
342 3 1 if $cod_offset < 1
352 15 0 if $cod_offset >= 0
379 4 10 if (/^\s*$/ and defined $gene)
387 0 10 if (/^(FGENESH)\s+([\d\.]+)/)
390 0 0 if (/\s(\S+)\sgenomic DNA/)
396 1 9 if (/^\s*Seq name:\s+(\S+)/)
401 1 8 if (/^Predicted protein/)
424 1 4 unless exists $self->{'_preds'} and @{$self->{'_preds'};}
441 0 4 unless (exists $self->{'_preds'})
460 1 5 if $val
461 0 6 unless (exists $self->{'_preds_parsed'})
480 0 0 if $val
481 0 0 unless (exists $self->{'_has_cds'})
506 0 4 unless $entry
507 1 3 if $entry =~ /^Predicted protein/
511 4 0 if ($entry =~ /^>FGENESH:/)
512 4 0 if ($entry =~ /^>FGENESH:\s+(\d+)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($entry =~ /^>FGENESH:\[mRNA\]\s*(\d+)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($entry =~ /^>FGENESH:\[exon\]\s+Gene:\s*(\d+)/) { }
528 0 19 if ($entry =~ /^>FGENESH:\[exon\]/ and $id =~ /^_predicted_cds_/) { }
536 1 18 unless $entry = $self->_readline
537 3 15 if ($entry =~ /^>/ and not $entry =~ /^>FGENESH:\[exon\]/ && $id =~ /^_predicted_cds_/)