Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 36 63.8

line true false branch
120 4 3 if exists $param{'-rate'}
152 3 14 unless $self->seq
176 4 56 if (@_)
178 0 4 unless $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')
181 0 4 if $seq->alphabet eq 'protein'
183 0 4 if $seq->seq =~ /[^acgt]/
211 0 0 if (@_)
213 0 0 unless $seq->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI')
215 0 0 if $seq->alphabet eq 'protein'
217 0 0 if $seq->seq =~ /[^acgt]/
255 5 13 if (@_)
286 1 34 if $self->identity and $self->get_alignment_identity <= $self->identity
287 3 31 if $self->pam and 100 * $self->get_mutation_counter / $self->{'_seq_length'} >= $self->pam
288 1 30 if $self->mutation_count and $self->get_mutation_counter >= $self->mutation_count
314 0 35 unless $loc
323 26 9 if ($choose < $self->{'_transition'}) { }
4 5 elsif ($choose < $self->{'_first_transversion'}) { }
336 0 35 if $self->verbose > 0