Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 54 83.3

line true false branch
484 461 172 if ($caller ne 'Bio::Seq')
485 0 461 if ref $caller
513 1 271 if (defined $ann or defined $pid or defined $feat or defined $species)
514 210 152 if $pid
515 335 27 if $species
516 345 17 if $ann
518 211 151 if (defined $feat)
519 0 211 if (not ref($feat) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
520 0 0 if (ref $feat and $feat->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI')) { }
792 70 339 if @_ and defined $_[0]
944 406 2373 if (defined $value) { }
31 2342 elsif (not defined $obj->{'_annotation'}) { }
945 0 406 unless $value->isa('Bio::AnnotationCollectionI')
1063 40 211 unless (defined $self->{'_as_feat'})
1066 4 247 if ($tag) { }
1067 5 10 $_->primary_tag eq $tag ? :
1108 9 1 if (defined $self->{'_as_feat'}) { }
1133 234 12253 unless $self->{'_as_feat'}
1135 1 12486 if (scalar @feat > 1)
1147 0 12493 if $feat eq 'EXPAND'
1149 0 12493 unless ($feat->isa('Bio::SeqFeatureI'))
1155 12493 0 if $aseq
1178 1 25 unless $self->{'_as_feat'}
1180 1 24 if ($tag) { }
1273 25 17166 if (defined $value)
1274 0 25 unless (ref $value and $value->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI'))
1306 341 280 if ($species) { }