Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 40 64 62.5

line true false branch
167 5 12 if ($state == -1) { }
0 12 elsif (not defined $curquery) { }
184 0 5 if ($hstart < 0)
185 0 5 if ($hend < 0)
186 0 5 if ($qstart < 0)
187 0 5 if ($qend < 0)
189 0 5 unless (defined $alnlen)
195 1 4 if (defined $curquery and $curquery ne $qid)
203 0 4 if (defined $curhit and $curhit ne $hacc) { }
2 2 elsif (not defined $curquery) { }
236 0 4 if ($qstrand eq '-')
239 0 4 if ($hstrand eq '-')
259 0 0 unless $_ =~ /^\s+$/
265 4 8 if ($state >= scalar @Bio::SearchIO::waba::STATES)
271 1 1 if (defined $curquery)
294 8 56 if (my $type = $Bio::SearchIO::waba::MODEMAP{$nm})
296 8 0 if ($self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type))
302 2 62 if ($nm eq 'WABAOutput')
327 4 60 if ($nm eq 'Hsp')
335 8 56 if (my $type = $Bio::SearchIO::waba::MODEMAP{$nm}) { }
56 0 elsif ($Bio::SearchIO::waba::MAPPING{$nm}) { }
336 8 0 if ($self->_eventHandler->will_handle($type))
344 0 56 if (ref($Bio::SearchIO::waba::MAPPING{$nm}) =~ /hash/i) { }
355 2 62 if $nm eq 'WABAOutput'
393 4 52 unless defined $data->{'Data'}
394 0 52 if ($data->{'Data'} =~ /^\s+$/)
395 0 0 unless $data->{'Name'} =~ /Hsp\_(midline|qseq|hseq)/
398 16 36 if ($self->in_element('hsp') and $data->{'Name'} =~ /Hsp\_(qseq|hseq|midline)/)
421 8 0 if (defined $value)
444 0 0 if not defined $name || defined $self->{'_elements'} or scalar @{$self->{'_elements'};} == 0
446 0 0 if ($_ eq $name)
468 0 52 unless defined $self->{'_elements'}[0]