Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 84 120 70.0

line true false branch
93 1 1 unless defined $_readcor
135 2 0 if (defined $_readcor) { }
142 1 1 if ($map->core_exists)
144 1 0 if (open my $CORE, '<', $corfile) { }
158 2 18 if ($line =~ m[^//\s+fpc\s+project\s+(.+)])
159 2 18 if ($line =~ m[^//\s+([\d.]+)])
163 2 0 if ($line =~ /User:\s+(.+)/)
166 2 18 if ($line =~ m[^//\s+Framework\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+([-\w]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(.+)$])
168 2 0 if $2 eq 'Label'
169 2 0 if $4 eq 'Abbrev'
172 2 18 unless $line =~ m[^//]
175 0 2 unless (defined $map->group_type and defined $map->group_abbr)
195 2 973 if $line =~ /^Markerdata/
203 30 943 if ($name =~ /sd1/)
216 965 6294 if ($line =~ /^Map "ctg(\d+)" Ends (Left|Right) ([-\d]+)/) { }
440 5854 elsif ($line =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)_match_to_\w+\s+"(.+)"/) { }
1079 4775 elsif ($line =~ /^Positive_(\w+)\s+"(.+)"/) { }
973 3802 elsif ($line =~ /^Bands\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ and not $bandsread) { }
973 2829 elsif ($line =~ /^Gel_number\s+(.+)/) { }
135 2694 elsif ($line =~ /^Remark\s+"(.+)"/) { }
549 2145 elsif ($line =~ /^Fp_number\s+"(.+)"/) { }
37 2108 elsif ($line =~ /^Shotgun\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)/) { }
162 1946 elsif ($line =~ /^Fpc_remark\s+"(.+)"/) { }
230 43 922 if not exists $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'start'} or $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'start'} > $temp
237 45 920 if not exists $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'end'} or $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'end'} < $3
256 355 618 if ($map->core_exists) { }
267 8 965 if (exists $_contigs{'0'}{'clones'}{$name})
280 123 12 if ($seqclone == 1)
281 30 93 if ($1 =~ /\,\s+Chr(\d+)\s+/)
300 0 973 if $self->verbose and $curClone % 1000 == 0
310 2 165 unless $line =~ /^Marker_(\w+)\s+:\s+"(.+)"/
320 0 490 if ($line =~ /^Global_position\s+([\d.]+)\s*(Frame)?/) { }
48 442 elsif ($line =~ /^Anchor_bin\s+"([\w\d.]+)"/) { }
48 394 elsif ($line =~ /^Anchor_pos\s+([\d.]+)\s+(F|P)?/) { }
0 394 elsif ($line =~ /^anchor$/) { }
64 330 elsif ($line =~ /^Remark\s+"(.+)"/) { }
328 0 0 if (defined $2) { }
345 0 48 if $subgroup =~ /^\./
354 26 22 if ($2 eq 'F') { }
370 0 165 if $self->verbose and $curMarker % 1000 == 0
384 12 19 if ($line =~ /^Ctg(\d+)/) { }
0 19 elsif ($line =~ /^Chr_remark\s+"(-|\+|Chr(\d+))\s+(.+)"$/) { }
2 17 elsif ($line =~ /^User_remark\s+"(.+)"/) { }
1 16 elsif ($line =~ /^Trace_remark\s+"(.+)"/) { }
4 12 elsif ($grpabbr and $line =~ /^Chr_remark\s+"(\W|$grpabbr((\d+)|(\w+)|([.\w\d]+)))\s*(\{(.*)\}|\[(.*)\])?"\s+(Pos\s+((\d.)+|NaN))(NOEDIT)?/) { }
390 12 0 if ($line =~ /#\w*(.*)\w*$/)
392 0 12 if ($line =~ /#\s+Chr(\d+)\s+/)
401 0 0 if defined $3
403 0 0 if (defined $2) { }
420 0 4 if ($pos eq 'NaN')
428 4 0 if (defined $grpmatch) { }
431 0 4 if ($grpmatch =~ /((\d+)((\D\d.\d+)|(.\d+)))|((\w+)(\.\d+))/) { }
434 0 0 if $grpabbr eq 'Chr'
435 0 0 if $grpabbr eq 'Chr'
437 0 0 if $grpabbr eq 'Lg'
438 0 0 if $grpabbr eq 'Lg'
440 0 0 if $subgroup =~ /^\./
455 0 31 if $self->verbose and $curContig % 100 == 0
461 0 2 if $map->version < 7
462 0 2 if $map->version == 4.6