Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 3 36 8.3

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
496 0 0 0 defined $cloneA and defined $cloneB
0 0 0 defined $cloneA and defined $cloneB and $self->core_exists
543 0 0 0 defined $cloneA and defined $cloneB
0 0 0 defined $cloneA and defined $cloneB and $self->core_exists
632 0 0 0 $ctgGroup =~ /\d+|\w/ and $ctgGroup != 0
0 0 0 $showall == 1 and not $ctgGroup =~ /\d+/
656 0 0 0 $ctgGroup =~ /\d+|\w/ and $ctgGroup ne 0
669 0 0 0 $showall == 0 and $ctgGroup =~ /\d+|\w/
0 0 0 $showall == 0 and $ctgGroup =~ /\d+|\w/ and $ctgGroup ne 0
989 0 0 0 $chr->{'group'} ne $lastchr and $chr->{'group'} eq 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
951 0 0 0 $lastchr eq -1 or $chr->{'group'} ne $lastchr
1131 6 2651 227 $Bio::Map::Physical::a->{'contig'} <=> $Bio::Map::Physical::b->{'contig'} or $Bio::Map::Physical::b->{'start'} <=> $Bio::Map::Physical::a->{'start'}