Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 57 121 47.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
115 0 0 0 -f $fasta and -w dirname($fasta)
0 0 0 -d $fasta and -w $fasta
189 55 120 0 $feature_hash->{'strand'} and $feature_hash->{'strand'} eq '.'
190 170 5 0 $feature_hash->{'phase'} and $feature_hash->{'phase'} eq '.'
222 5495 675 390 $class_matches && ($regexp ? $feature->{'gname'} =~ /$name/i : lc $feature->{'gname'} eq lc $name)
254 185 0 0 defined $refseq and lc $ref ne lc $refseq
259 105 290 0 $strand and $strand eq '.'
282 0 0 0 defined $feature->{'gclass'} and defined $feature->{'gname'}
301 0 0 0 defined $limit and @results >= $limit
324 0 0 75 $_ >= 0 and $_ < @{$self->{'data'};}
378 15 15 20 defined $tag and lc $attr_name eq lc $tag
401 41 14 10 lc $_ eq lc $attr_name and lc $attributes->{$_} eq lc $attr_value
474 560 0 0 $regexp and $feature->{'gname'} =~ /$name/i
475 0 0 74 defined $feature->{'gclass'} and length $feature->{'gclass'} > 0
0 74 0 defined $feature->{'gclass'} and length $feature->{'gclass'} > 0 and $feature->{'gclass'} ne $class
479 0 0 0 $location->[1] and $location->[1] > $feature->{'stop'}
480 0 0 0 $location->[2] and $location->[2] < $feature->{'start'}
567 0 0 0 defined $feature_class and $feature_class eq $class
574 0 0 255 $feature_stop >= $start and $feature_start <= $stop
577 605 0 0 defined $typelist and @$typelist
633 30 70 285 $feature_stop >= $start and $feature_start <= $stop
635 20 0 50 $feature_start >= $start and $feature_stop <= $stop
637 0 0 0 $feature_start <= $start and $feature_stop >= $stop
639 0 0 0 $feature_start == $start and $feature_stop == $stop
647 0 835 375 defined $types and @$types
689 115 20 0 defined $search_source and lc $search_source ne lc $feature_source

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
333 21 0 $delete_spec->{'segments'} || []
334 21 0 $delete_spec->{'types'} || []

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
105 0 0 5 $file ||= $dbdir
106 0 0 5 $fasta ||= $dbdir
115 0 0 0 -f $fasta and -w dirname($fasta) or -d $fasta and -w $fasta
150 115 0 5 defined $start or defined $stop
218 0 1065 5495 !defined($feature->{'gclass'}) || length $feature->{'gclass'} == 0 || $feature->{'gclass'} eq $class
258 210 80 105 $strand ||= $_->{'strand'}
260 185 0 210 not defined $start or $start > $_->{'start'}
261 185 0 210 not defined $stop or $stop < $_->{'stop'}
262 210 185 0 $name ||= $_->{'gname'}
474 0 74 486 $regexp and $feature->{'gname'} =~ /$name/i or lc $feature->{'gname'} eq lc $name
571 255 0 350 defined $start or defined $stop
628 455 0 875 defined $start or defined $stop
707 2175 187 47 $attr_name ne $feature_attr_name or $attr_value ne $feature_attr_value