Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 121 130 93.0

line true false branch
207 6 14989 if (defined $id and defined $given_id)
208 0 6 if ($id ne $given_id)
212 11740 3255 if (defined $given_id)
215 13980 1015 if defined $id
216 651 14344 if $acc
217 229 14766 if defined $pid
220 11775 3220 if $alphabet
226 1 14994 if ($ref_to_seq) { }
229 14268 726 if (defined $seq)
235 916 14077 if $desc
236 27 14966 if $description
237 491 14502 if $ns
238 84 14909 if $auth
241 288 14705 if defined $v
242 0 14993 if defined $oid
243 18 14975 if defined $is_circular
267 141004 27452 if (scalar @args == 0)
272 27452 0 if (@args)
286 27281 172 if (not $self->{'_direct'} and defined $$seq_str_ref)
295 12798 14652 if $is_changed_seq
296 27448 2 unless exists $self->{'_freeze_length'}
302 18 27432 if ($alphabet) { }
15780 11652 elsif ($is_changed_seq or not defined $self->alphabet) { }
335 8 23090 if (defined $seqstr and not $seqstr =~ /^[$MATCHPATTERN]*$/)
337 3 5 if ($throw)
380 2 10037 if (defined $replace)
381 1 1 unless $self->validate_seq($replace)
385 52 9986 if (ref $start and $start->isa('Bio::LocationI')) { }
9986 0 elsif (defined $start and defined $end) { }
392 44 8 if ($loc->isa('Bio::Location::SplitLocationI'))
395 18 26 defined $loc->guide_strand ? :
396 9 35 $guide_strand == -1 ? :
401 9 43 $order == -1 ? :
407 1 119 if $nogap
411 101 19 defined $subloc->strand ? :
412 59 61 if ($strand < 0)
419 0 9986 if ($start > $end)
423 0 9986 if ($start <= 0)
431 1 9985 if (defined $replace) { }
438 1 9985 if ($end > $self->length)
439 1 0 if ($self->is_circular) { }
444 0 1 if (defined $replace) { }
457 3 9983 if $nogap
496 5 30689 if (defined $val)
498 1 4 if ($len and $len != $val)
534 14090 9770 if (defined $value)
566 654 246 if (defined $acc) { }
570 38 208 unless defined $acc
595 447 58 if (@_)
598 21 484 unless (defined $self->{'primary_id'})
624 27920 26972 if (defined $value)
626 0 27920 unless ($valid_type{$value})
653 1257 454 if @_
704 26 143362 if @_
745 292 3290 if (defined $value)
766 86 5 if (defined $value)
787 493 34 if (defined $value)
903 15853 2 if $alphabet
912 15845 3007 unless defined $nowarnonempty
920 2 18850 if ($total == 0)
921 1 1 unless ($nowarnonempty)
928 18850 2 unless (defined $alphabet)
929 1762 17088 if ($str =~ /[EFIJLOPQXZ]/i) { }
940 16081 1007 if ($str =~ tr/ACGKMNS-UWacgkmns-uw// / $total > 0.7) { }
941 53 16028 if ($str =~ /U/i) { }