Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 19 33 57.5

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
175 0 2 0 defined $map->group_type and defined $map->group_abbr
214 0 973 7259 defined($line = <$fh>) and not $line =~ /^\s*\n$/
216 3802 0 973 $line =~ /^Bands\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)/ and not $bandsread
300 973 0 0 $self->verbose and $curClone % 1000 == 0
307 0 0 167 defined($line = <$fh>) and not $line =~ /Contigdata/
319 0 165 490 defined($line = <$fh>) and not $line =~ /^\s*\n$/
370 165 0 0 $self->verbose and $curMarker % 1000 == 0
384 0 12 4 $grpabbr and $line =~ /^Chr_remark\s+"(\W|$grpabbr((\d+)|(\w+)|([.\w\d]+)))\s*(\{(.*)\}|\[(.*)\])?"\s+(Pos\s+((\d.)+|NaN))(NOEDIT)?/
455 31 0 0 $self->verbose and $curContig % 100 == 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
230 11 32 922 not exists $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'start'} or $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'start'} > $temp
237 11 34 920 not exists $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'end'} or $_contigs{$contigNumber}{'range'}{'end'} < $3