Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 79 165 47.8

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
164 290 0 0 /^OBSLTE / and $all_headers
170 289 0 1 /^TITLE / and $all_headers
176 290 0 0 /^CAVEAT / and $all_headers
182 288 0 2 /^COMPND / and $all_headers
189 288 0 2 /^SOURCE / and $all_headers
195 289 0 1 /^KEYWDS / and $all_headers
201 289 0 1 /^EXPDTA / and $all_headers
207 288 0 2 /^AUTHOR / and $all_headers
214 287 0 3 /^REVDAT / and $all_headers
224 290 0 0 /^SPRSDE / and $all_headers
230 288 0 2 /^JRNL / and $all_headers
239 50 0 240 /^REMARK\s+(\d+)\s*/ and $all_headers
264 287 0 3 /^DBREF / and $all_headers
278 290 0 0 /^SEQADV / and $all_headers
286 282 0 8 /^SEQRES / and $all_headers
292 290 0 0 /^MODRES / and $all_headers
298 287 0 3 /^HET / and $all_headers
304 289 0 1 /^HETNAM / and $all_headers
310 290 0 0 /^HETSYN / and $all_headers
316 286 0 4 /^FORMUL / and $all_headers
323 288 0 2 /^HELIX / and $all_headers
330 287 0 3 /^SHEET / and $all_headers
337 290 0 0 /^TURN / and $all_headers
345 287 0 3 /^SSBOND / and $all_headers
353 287 0 3 /^LINK / and $all_headers
361 290 0 0 /^HYDBND / and $all_headers
369 290 0 0 /^SLTBRG / and $all_headers
377 290 0 0 /^CISPEP / and $all_headers
384 290 0 0 /^SITE / and $all_headers
392 288 0 2 /^CRYST1/ and $all_headers
399 284 0 6 /^(ORIGX\d) / and $all_headers
406 284 0 6 /^(SCALE\d) / and $all_headers
413 290 0 0 /^(MTRIX\d) / and $all_headers
420 289 0 1 /^TVECT / and $all_headers
454 0 0 2 defined $buffer and $buffer =~ /^(ATOM |MODEL |HETATM)/
461 0 0 2 $buffer and not $buffer =~ /^MODEL /
487 0 0 0 $k >= 4 and $k <= 5
0 0 0 $k >= 7 and $k <= 8
538 0 1 0 ref $struc and $struc->isa('Bio::Structure::StructureI')
749 37 8 0 $resname ne 'HOH' and $last_record eq 'ATOM '
783 0 0 0 defined $element and $element ne 'H'
994 9 0 7 $cont =~ /\d$/ and $begin == 11
1222 653 0 0 $altloc and $altloc =~ /\S+/
653 0 0 $altloc and $altloc =~ /\S+/ and $atomname eq $atom_name
1278 0 0 0 $altloc and $altloc =~ /\S+/
0 0 0 $altloc and $altloc =~ /\S+/ and $atomname eq $atom_name
1342 34 4 0 defined $string and defined $annotation

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
487 0 0 0 $k >= 4 and $k <= 5 or $k >= 7 and $k <= 8
0 0 0 $k == 6 or $k == 9
872 8 0 8 @bond or @hydbond
8 0 8 @bond or @hydbond or @saltbridge
991 9 16 0 $_ ||= $self->_readline
1028 2 13 0 $_ ||= $self->_readline
1081 2 57 0 $_ ||= $self->_readline
1168 2 657 0 $_ ||= $self->_readline