Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 64 110 58.1

line true false branch
227 0 4 if ($enc) { }
270 4 4 if (not $enc) { }
0 4 elsif (ref $enc eq 'HASH') { }
4 0 elsif (not ref $enc) { }
277 0 0 if (ref $locs eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($locs, 'Bio::LocationI')) { }
285 1 3 if not defined $exp and $enc =~ /[DEJKV]/o
287 1 3 if ($enc =~ /\d/o)
292 2 2 unless $num
297 0 4 if (defined $exp and $exp == 0 and $enc =~ /([^CIUGFB])/) { }
0 4 elsif ($enc =~ /[^CDEIJKUVGFB]/) { }
303 1 3 if ($loc) { }
308 0 1 if $loc->location_type eq 'EXACT' and $loc->length != $ct
315 0 1 if ($start < $self->start)
320 0 1 if ($end > $self->end)
332 1 0 if ($currseq)
334 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
335 1 0 $loc->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' ? :
336 1 0 $loc->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' ? :
346 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
347 1 0 $loc->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN' ? :
0 1 $self->strand >= 0 ? :
349 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
355 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
357 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
359 0 1 $exp ? :
376 2 5 $exp ? :
398 7 5 if $self->strand and $self->strand < 0
401 4 8 unless @enc
408 5 96 if ($nt[$i] =~ /[\.\-]/o and not $enc[$i] =~ /[GB]/o) { }
10 110 elsif (not $nt[$i] =~ /[\.\-]/o and $enc[$i] =~ /[GB]/o) { }
414 0 12 if ($i < @enc) { }
3 9 elsif ($i < @nt) { }
417 0 0 if ($enc[$i] =~ /[GB]/o) { }
425 2 6 if ($nt[$i] =~ /[\.\-]/o) { }
438 68 41 if ($enc[$i] =~ /[CDE]/o) { }
0 41 elsif ($enc[$i] =~ /[IJK]/o) { }
0 41 elsif ($enc[$i] =~ /[UV]/o) { }
4 37 elsif ($enc[$i] eq 'B') { }
37 0 elsif ($enc[$i] eq 'G') { }
442 0 68 if $Vct and not $Vwarned++
447 0 0 if $Vct and not $Vwarned++
450 0 0 if ($Uct == 1)
461 7 5 if $self->strand and $self->strand < 0
487 0 2 unless defined $nogaps
489 2 0 $self->strand < 0 ? :
494 0 2 if ($loc)
496 0 0 if $loc->location_type eq 'IN-BETWEEN'
503 0 0 if $self->strand < 0
508 0 20 if ($enc[$i] eq 'I' or $enc[$i] eq 'U' or $enc[$i] eq 'F') { }
8 12 elsif ($enc[$i] eq 'G' or $enc[$i] eq 'B') { }
513 8 0 $nogaps ? :
518 2 0 $self->can_call_new ? :
595 1 0 if $self->strand < 0
597 1 0 if $self->strand < 0