Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 123 192 64.0

line true false branch
188 3 0 if ($@) { }
230 4 3 if (ref($ingroup) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
3 0 elsif (ref $ingroup and $ingroup->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
243 0 7 if ($seg_sites <= 0)
248 0 7 if (not defined $outgroup) { }
4 3 elsif (ref $outgroup) { }
253 0 4 unless defined $ancestral
280 0 8 if ($n <= 3)
327 2 1 if (ref($individuals) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $individuals and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
416 2 3 if (ref($ingroup) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
3 0 elsif (ref $ingroup and $ingroup->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
431 0 5 if (not defined $outgroup) { }
2 3 elsif (ref $outgroup) { }
511 2 1 if (ref($individuals) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
1 0 elsif (ref $individuals and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
553 0 4 if ($n <= 1)
557 0 4 if ($n == 2)
608 2 4 if (ref($individuals) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
4 0 elsif (ref $individuals and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
664 0 6 if $denom == 0
695 9 12 if (ref($individuals) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
12 0 elsif (ref $individuals and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
702 0 45 unless ($ind->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI'))
745 568 0 if ($sampsize > 1)
754 2 19 if ($numsites) { }
789 2 5 if (ref($n) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
4 2 elsif (ref $n and $n->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
810 2 5 if ($totalsites)
813 0 7 if ($a1 == 0)
836 5 2 if (ref($individuals) =~ /ARRAY/) { }
2 0 elsif (ref $individuals and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
842 0 2 unless (@inds)
856 0 35 unless ($n->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI'))
870 62 574 if $allelect == 1
902 15 16 if ($type =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
16 0 elsif ($type and $individuals->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
905 0 75 unless ($n->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI'))
919 636 9 if keys %$site > 1
924 145 18 if scalar @alleles > 1
952 0 0 unless ($freq2)
953 0 0 if ($freq1 > 1 or $freq2 > 1)
986 0 10 unless $otype
991 4 6 if (ref($ingroup) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
6 0 elsif (ref $ingroup and $ingroup->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
992 0 4 unless (ref $ingroup->[0] and $ingroup->[0]->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI'))
1023 5 5 if ($otype =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
5 0 elsif ($otype->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
1024 0 5 unless (ref $outgroup->[0] and $outgroup->[0]->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI'))
1070 10 40 if @outalleles > 1 or @in_alleles == 1
1072 40 40 unless (exists $outdata{$marker}{$allele})
1073 10 30 if ($indata{$marker}{$allele} == 1) { }
1106 0 2 if (ref($pop) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
0 2 elsif (not ref $pop && $pop->isa('Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
1107 0 0 if (ref $pop->[0] and $pop->[0]->isa('Bio::PopGen::IndividualI')) { }
1130 0 76 unless (defined $genotype)
1135 3 73 if scalar @alleles != 2
1146 0 5 if ($allele_count != 2)
1148 0 0 if $allele_count > 2
1154 0 5 if (length $alleles[0] != 1 or length $alleles[1] != 1)
1195 1 52 unless scalar @alleles1 == 2
1203 2 50 unless scalar @alleles2 == 2
1289 0 4 if ($@)
1327 6 0 if (ref($outgroup) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
0 0 elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($outgroup, 'Bio::PopGen::PopulationI')) { }
1335 2 4 if ($polarized) { }
0 4 elsif ($outgroup_count > 1) { }
0 4 elsif ($outgroup_count == 0) { }
1336 0 2 if ($outgroup_count < 2)
1349 12 0 if (ref($p) =~ /ARRAY/i) { }
1356 0 35 if ($unique{$i->unique_id}++)
1365 0 6 if ($marker_names[0] =~ /^(Site|Codon)/)
1396 0 14126 if (@alleles > 2) { }
1403 0 8971 if $AA eq 'X' or $AA eq '*' or $allele =~ /N/i
1406 3244 5727 if ($t eq 'outgroup')
1415 810 1626 if $total and $total < 2
1418 1348 278 if (keys %{$codonvals{'all'};} <= 1) { }
1423 0 278 unless ($outcodon)
1429 0 188 if ($polarized and $outcodon ne $outcodon2 or $out_AA eq 'X' or $out_AA eq '*')
1434 0 90 if ($verbose > 0)
1453 0 188 if ($verbose > 0)
1464 99 89 if ($diff_from_out) { }
1465 92 7 if (scalar @ingroup_codons == 1) { }
1467 0 92 if ($outcodon =~ /^$gapchar/) { }
0 92 elsif ($ingroup_codons[0] =~ /$gapchar/) { }
1477 0 92 if ($verbose > 0)
1490 0 14 if $c =~ /$gapchar/ or $outcodon =~ /$gapchar/
1493 11 3 if ($path->[0] < $Ndiff or $tNdiff == $Ndiff and $tSdiff <= $Sdiff)
1501 0 7 if (@ingroup_codons > 2) { }
1509 0 7 if ($verbose > 0)
1525 0 92 unless (defined $path)
1529 92 0 if ($path->[0] < $Ndiff or $tNdiff == $Ndiff and $tSdiff <= $Sdiff)
1536 3 86 if (@unique_codons == 2)
1538 0 3 unless (defined $path)
1546 0 89 if ($verbose > 0)
1584 0 0 if ($has_twotailed) { }