Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 526 12.5

line true false branch
969 0 0 if $a
976 0 0 if $a
984 0 8 unless ($database)
991 2 6 if ($db_ref =~ /DB|big::BigWigSet/)
998 5 1 if (exists $OPENED_DB{$database} and not $no_cache)
1006 0 1 if $database =~ /^Parsed:/
1020 0 1 if ($database =~ /^(?:https?|ftp)/i) { }
1 0 elsif (-f $database) { }
0 0 elsif (-d $database) { }
1023 0 0 if ($database =~ /\.bam$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.(?:bb|bigbed)$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.(?:bw|bigwig)$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.useq$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.fa(?:sta)?$/i) { }
1025 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
1026 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
1028 0 0 unless ($db)
1042 0 0 unless $BIGBED_OK
1043 0 0 if ($BIGBED_OK) { }
1045 0 0 unless ($db)
1059 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
1060 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
1062 0 0 unless ($db)
1088 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
1090 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
1092 0 0 unless ($db)
1109 0 1 if ($database =~ /\.bam$/i) { }
0 1 elsif ($database =~ /\.(?:bb|bigbed)$/i) { }
0 1 elsif ($database =~ /\.(?:bw|bigwig)$/i) { }
1 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.useq$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.fa(?:sta)?(?:\.gz)?$/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.(?:gff3?|gff3?\.gz|db|sqlite)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($database =~ /\.cram$/i) { }
1111 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
1112 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
1115 0 0 unless ($db)
1129 0 0 unless $BIGBED_OK
1130 0 0 if ($BIGBED_OK) { }
1133 0 0 unless ($db)
1147 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
1148 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
1151 0 0 unless ($db)
1165 1 0 unless $USEQ_OK
1167 1 0 if ($USEQ_OK) { }
1169 0 1 unless ($db)
1183 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
1184 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
1186 0 0 unless ($db)
1192 0 0 unless $SEQFASTA_OK
1194 0 0 if ($SEQFASTA_OK) { }
1196 0 0 unless ($db)
1198 0 0 if (-e "$database.index")
1212 0 0 unless $SEQFASTA_OK
1214 0 0 if ($SEQFASTA_OK) { }
1216 0 0 unless ($db)
1230 0 0 if ($BAM_ADAPTER eq "sam")
1233 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
1234 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
1237 0 0 unless ($db)
1257 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
1258 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
1260 0 0 unless ($db)
1272 0 0 unless ($db)
1273 0 0 unless $SEQFASTA_OK
1275 0 0 if ($SEQFASTA_OK) { }
1277 0 0 unless ($db)
1294 0 0 unless $SEQFASTA_OK
1296 0 0 if ($SEQFASTA_OK) { }
1298 0 0 unless ($db)
1309 1 0 if ($db) { }
1311 1 0 unless $no_cache
1326 0 0 unless $db
1328 0 0 unless $db_ref
1330 0 0 if ($db_ref =~ /^Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store/) { }
0 0 elsif ($db_ref eq 'Bio::DB::Sam') { }
0 0 elsif ($db_ref eq 'Bio::DB::HTS') { }
1363 0 0 unless ($db)
1373 0 0 if ($db_ref =~ /^Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store/) { }
0 0 elsif ($db_ref =~ /BigWigSet/i) { }
1379 0 0 unless $Bio::ToolBox::db_helper::a->[0] cmp $Bio::ToolBox::db_helper::b->[0]
1398 0 0 if ($attribute =~ /^type/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($attribute =~ /name/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($attribute =~ /^primary_tag|method$/i) { }
1441 0 1 if (ref $args{'feature'} eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 0 elsif (defined $args{'feature'}) { }
1458 1 0 $args{'db'} ? :
1466 1 0 if (@datasets) { }
1471 0 1 if ($item =~ /,/) { }
1485 0 1 if ($dataset =~ /^(?: http | ftp) .+ \. (?: bam | bw | bb) $/xi) { }
1 0 elsif ($dataset =~ /\.(?:bam|bw|bigwig|bb|bigbed|useq)$/i) { }
1501 1 0 if (-e $file) { }
1511 1 0 if (@files) { }
1524 0 0 unless (%db_features)
1525 0 0 if ($db) { }
1530 0 0 if ($source) { }
1540 0 0 unless (%db_features)
1558 0 0 if (exists $db_features{$d}) { }
1569 0 0 if ($check) { }
1585 0 0 if ($db) { }
1589 0 0 if ($limit)
1592 0 0 unless $p =~ /$limit/i
1599 0 0 unless (%db_features)
1620 0 0 if ($args{'prompt'}) { }
1626 0 0 if ($args{'single'}) { }
1641 0 0 if ($args{'single'})
1642 0 0 unless (scalar @answer_list == 1)
1651 0 0 if ($answer =~ /&/) { }
1658 0 0 unless (exists $db_features{$_})
1664 0 0 if ($check) { }
1677 0 0 if (exists $db_features{$answer}) { }
1688 0 1 if (@bad_datasets)
1696 0 1 if ($args{'single'}) { }
1716 0 0 if (exists $TOTAL_READ_NUMBER{$dataset}) { }
0 0 elsif ($dataset =~ /\.bam$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($dataset =~ /\.bb$/) { }
1725 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
1726 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
1741 0 0 unless $BIGBED_OK
1743 0 0 if ($BIGBED_OK) { }
1774 0 0 unless ($data)
1778 0 0 unless (ref $data eq "Bio::ToolBox::Data")
1786 0 0 unless ($db)
1793 0 0 unless ($db_ref =~ /^Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store/)
1800 0 0 unless ($searchFeature)
1816 0 0 scalar @classes ? :
1819 0 0 unless ($iterator)
1831 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $feature->seq_id =~ /$chr_exclude/
1860 0 1 unless ($data)
1863 0 1 unless (ref $data eq "Bio::ToolBox::Data")
1870 0 1 unless ($db)
1890 0 1 unless (@chromosomes)
1898 0 1 if (exists $args{'exclude'} and defined $args{'exclude'})
1899 0 0 if (ref $args{'exclude'} eq 'Bio::ToolBox::Data') { }
1900 0 0 if (_load_helper_module('Set::IntervalTree')) { }
1906 0 0 unless (exists $exclusion_tree{$row->seq_id})
1932 1 121 if ($end > $length)
1937 0 122 if $Tree and scalar @{$Tree->fetch($start - 1, $end);} >= 1
1953 0 0 unless ($args{'db'})
1963 0 0 exists $args{'id'} ? :
1965 0 0 if $name and $name eq "."
1966 0 0 if $args{'id'} and $args{'id'} eq "."
1967 0 0 if $args{'type'} and $args{'type'} eq "."
1970 0 0 if (defined $args{'id'} and $db->can("fetch"))
1976 0 0 $feature ? :
1977 0 0 if ($check)
1978 0 0 if defined $name and $feature->display_name ne $name
1979 0 0 if defined $args{'type'} and $feature->type ne $args{'type'}
1983 0 0 if ($check) { }
1988 0 0 unless ($PRIMARY_ID_WARNING)
1996 0 0 unless $name
2004 0 0 unless (@features)
2012 0 0 unless (@features and $name =~ /[;,\|]/)
2026 0 0 if (scalar @features > 1) { }
0 0 elsif (not @features) { }
2031 0 0 if ($args{'name'} =~ /;/)
2040 0 0 if ($check eq $f_name)
2046 0 0 if (scalar @candidates == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (scalar @candidates > 1) { }
2076 0 12 unless scalar @_ == 9
2079 3 9 if $_[7] and not ref $_[7]
2082 0 12 if ($_[8] =~ /&/)
2097 5 7 if ($_[6] > 0) { }
2106 7 0 if (ref $scores) { }
2110 0 0 unless (defined $scores)
2111 0 0 if $_[5] =~ /count|sum/
2123 7 0 if (exists $SCORE_CALCULATOR_SUB{$method}) { }
2140 0 2 unless ($db)
2147 0 2 if (ref($db) =~ /BigWigSet/)
2168 0 2 if ($type =~ /^Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store/) { }
0 2 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::Big::File') { }
0 2 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::BigWig' or $type eq 'Bio::DB::BigBed') { }
0 2 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::Sam' or $type eq 'Bio::DB::HTS') { }
0 2 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx') { }
0 2 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::Fasta') { }
2 0 elsif ($db->can('seq_ids')) { }
2172 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2176 0 0 $seqf ? :
2192 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $_->{'name'} =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2204 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2227 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2238 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2251 0 0 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2255 0 0 $seq ? :
2267 0 2 if defined $chr_exclude and $chr =~ /$chr_exclude/i
2276 2 0 if $segment->seq_id eq $chr
2280 0 2 unless ($segment)
2299 0 2 unless (@chrom_lengths)
2308 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 6
2311 0 0 unless ($BAM_ADAPTER)
2312 0 0 ref($sam) =~ /hts/i ? :
2314 0 0 if ($BAM_ADAPTER eq 'hts') { }
0 0 elsif ($BAM_ADAPTER eq 'sam') { }
2317 0 0 unless $index
2323 0 0 unless $index
2333 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 4
2336 0 0 unless ($BAM_ADAPTER)
2337 0 0 ref($sam) =~ /hts/i ? :
2339 0 0 if ($BAM_ADAPTER eq 'hts') { }
0 0 elsif ($BAM_ADAPTER eq 'sam') { }
2342 0 0 unless $index
2348 0 0 unless $index
2358 0 0 unless scalar @_ == 4
2363 0 0 unless $type
2366 0 0 if ($type eq 'Bio::DB::HTS::Faidx') { }
0 0 elsif ($type eq 'Bio::DB::Sam::Fai') { }
0 0 elsif ($db->can('seq')) { }
2396 9 0 if ($param->[8] =~ /^file|http|ftp/) { }
0 0 elsif (ref($param->[7]) =~ /BigWigSet/) { }
0 0 elsif (ref($param->[7]) =~ /^Bio::DB/) { }
2400 0 9 if ($param->[8] =~ /\.(?:bw|bigwig)$/i) { }
0 9 elsif ($param->[8] =~ /\.(?:bb|bigbed)$/i) { }
0 9 elsif ($param->[8] =~ /\.bam$/i) { }
9 0 elsif ($param->[8] =~ /\.useq$/i) { }
2406 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
2407 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
2408 0 0 if ($param->[6] == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($param->[6] == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($param->[5] =~ /min|max|mean/) { }
0 0 elsif ($param->[5] =~ /sum|count/) { }
2419 0 0 $BIG_ADAPTER eq 'ucsc' ? :
2438 0 0 unless $BIGBED_OK
2439 0 0 if ($BIGBED_OK) { }
2440 0 0 if ($param->[6] == 2) { }
2459 0 0 unless $BAM_OK
2460 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
2476 0 9 unless $USEQ_OK
2478 9 0 if ($USEQ_OK) { }
2479 4 5 if ($param->[6] == 2) { }
2507 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
2508 0 0 unless $BIGWIG_OK
2512 0 0 if ($param->[6] == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($param->[6] == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($param->[5] =~ /min|max|mean|sum|count/) { }
2522 0 0 $BIG_ADAPTER eq 'ucsc' ? :
2539 0 0 unless $SEQFASTA_OK
2541 0 0 if ($SEQFASTA_OK) { }
2544 0 0 unless ($param->[7]->can("get_seq_stream"))
2559 0 0 unless $param->[8]
2560 0 0 unless $param->[7]
2585 0 0 if ($BAM_ADAPTER) { }
2586 0 0 if ($BAM_ADAPTER =~ /sam/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BAM_ADAPTER =~ /hts/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BAM_ADAPTER =~ /none/i) { }
2602 0 0 unless ($BAM_OK)
2610 0 0 if ($BAM_OK) { }
2615 0 0 if $BAM_OK
2623 0 0 if ($BIG_ADAPTER) { }
2624 0 0 if ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /ucsc|kent/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /big/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /none/i) { }
2641 0 0 unless ($BIGWIG_OK)
2649 0 0 if ($BIGWIG_OK) { }
2652 0 0 if $BIGWIG_OK
2656 0 0 if $BIGWIG_OK
2663 0 0 if ($BIG_ADAPTER) { }
2664 0 0 if ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /ucsc|kent/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /big/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BIG_ADAPTER =~ /none/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($BAM_ADAPTER =~ /\w+/) { }
2681 0 0 unless ($BIGWIG_OK)
2689 0 0 if ($BIGBED_OK) { }
2692 0 0 if $BIGBED_OK
2696 0 0 if $BIGBED_OK