Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 42 64.2

line true false branch
176 5 0 $response->is_success ? :
198 1 1 if ($self->names ne '' and $self->data ne '') { }
0 1 elsif ($self->names ne '') { }
220 1 0 if (_check_status('')) { }
0 0 elsif (_check_status('')) { }
286 6 9 if ($_ ne '')
293 1 4 if ($input_check > 1) { }
3 1 elsif ($self->file ne '' and -r $self->file) { }
0 1 elsif ($self->names ne '') { }
325 4 0 if (_check_status('')) { }
0 0 elsif (_check_status('')) { }
428 0 45 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$input{$_}))
500 3 2 if ($input eq '')
514 0 9 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$species{$_}))
654 1 2 if ($input eq '')
668 0 1508 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$hit{$_}))
731 0 5 if ($input eq '')
745 0 0 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$source{$_}))
822 2 28 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$input{$_}))
875 3 2 if ($input eq '')
885 1 9 if (Scalar::Readonly::readonly($$input[0]{$_}))