Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 24 95.8

line true false branch
39 6 12 if ($seq_length % 3 == 1) { }
6 6 elsif ($seq_length % 3 == 2) { }
69 4 23 unless defined $sequence
70 18 9 if $self->make_multiple_of_three
71 3 24 if $nnn_at_end_of_all_sequences == 1 and not $input_seq->seq =~ /NNN$/i
75 2 25 if ($factor < $self->similarity)
81 2 3 if $self->remove_nnn_from_end and $nnn_at_end_of_all_sequences
86 4 23 if $sequence_length == 0
87 15 12 if $input_sequences{$sequence_name}->length != $sequence_length
106 35 56 if substr($string1, $i, 1) ne substr($string2, $i, 1)
108 23 8 if $num_differences == 0
109 0 8 if $string1_length == 0