Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 32 68.7

line true false branch
108 675 134 if ($parent and &looks_like_object($parent, $TYPE_CONSTANT)) { }
134 0 elsif (not $parent) { }
156 460 9917 unless ($child and &looks_like_object($child, $TYPE_CONSTANT))
161 312 9605 if (not $child or $child->get_id == $self->get_id or $child->is_child_of($self))
182 1 9604 if ($child->is_ancestor_of($self))
190 0 1 if ($child_parent)
196 235 9370 if ($child_parent)
203 0 9605 if (defined $i) { }
258 61040 11 if (defined $bl and &looks_like_number($bl) and not ref $bl) { }
1 10 elsif (defined $bl and !&looks_like_number($bl) || ref $bl) { }
10 0 elsif (not defined $bl) { }
260 0 61040 if ($bl < 0)
292 9608 275 if ($tree) { }
293 9608 0 if (&looks_like_object($tree, $CONTAINER_CONSTANT)) { }
430 0 0 if defined $self->get_branch_length
431 0 0 if $self->get_rank