Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 98 33.6

line true false branch
60 10 7 $is_terminal ? :
63 0 17 if ($node->get_collapsed) { }
68 14 3 if (my $name = $node->get_name)
73 10 4 $is_terminal ? :
88 3 14 if ($r)
99 0 17 if ($node->get_clade_label)
100 0 0 unless ($self->_tree->get_meta_object('map:tree_size'))
186 0 0 if (my $value = $$f{"-$p"}) { }
191 0 0 if ($value = $node->$method)
203 0 0 if ($td->get_shape =~ /radial/i) { }
207 0 0 if (@$desc) { }
213 0 0 unless defined $radius
214 0 0 if $h1 >= $radius
235 0 0 scalar(@$ntips) / $size > 0.5 ? :
262 0 0 unless defined $x1
263 0 0 if $x >= $x1
299 0 0 if ($clado) { }
310 0 0 if $height > $tallest
338 0 0 if (my $name = $node->get_name)
376 2 1 if (my $options = $drawer->get_scale_options)
384 0 2 if ($options->{'-font'} and ref $options->{'-font'} eq 'HASH')
401 2 0 if ($width =~ /^(\d+)%$/)
404 0 2 if (my $units = $options->{'-units'})
412 2 0 if ($major =~ /^(\d+)%$/)
415 2 0 if ($minor =~ /^(\d+)%$/)
418 0 2 if ($blocks and $blocks =~ /^(\d+)%$/)
423 0 2 $options->{'-reverse'} ? :
424 0 2 $options->{'-reverse'} ? :
425 0 2 $options->{'-reverse'} ? :
442 0 2 if ($options->{'-reverse'}) { }
444 0 0 unless ($j % sprintf('%.0f', $major / $minor))
446 0 0 if ($blocks and not scalar(@maji) % 2)
456 22 80 unless ($j % sprintf('%.0f', $major / $minor))
458 0 22 if ($blocks and not scalar(@maji) % 2)
471 0 2 ref $tmpl ? :
489 0 102 unless $i % $major
500 0 2 if (@blocksi)
536 14 3 if (my $parent = $node->get_parent)
541 8 6 if ($shape =~ /CURVY/i) { }
6 0 elsif ($shape =~ /RECT/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($shape =~ /DIAG/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($shape =~ /UNROOTED/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($shape =~ /RADIAL/i) { }
583 0 0 if (my $parent = $node->get_parent)
608 0 0 if ($parent->get_rotation < $rotation)
628 0 0 if ($^O =~ /darwin/) { }
0 0 elsif ($^O =~ /linux/) { }
0 0 elsif ($^O =~ /MSWin/) { }
641 0 0 if (-e "$dir/$font.ttf")