Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
58 0 0 unless ($self->type =~ /nrps | t1pks/imsx)
87 0 0 unless @domains
93 0 0 if ($domains[$i]->class eq 'condensation' || $domains[$i]->class eq 'substrate-selection' and not %module_for) { }
0 0 elsif ($domains[$i]->class eq $self->cutting_mode) { }
0 0 elsif ($gene_n - $last_gene >= 2 || !$domains[$i]->symbol =~ /$_modular_domains/ || $nr_domain_for{$domains[$i]->class} == 1 and $module_in == 1) { }
0 0 elsif ($domains[$i]->symbol =~ /$_modular_domains/ and $module_in == 1) { }
145 0 0 if ($domains[$i]->class eq 'condensation' or $domains[$i]->class eq 'substrate-selection')
159 0 0 unless %module_for
163 0 0 unless $module_for{$module_n}{'end'}
166 0 0 if ($module_for{$module_n}{'domains'}[0]->symbol =~ /^C$ | ^TE$ | ^TD$ | ^Red$ | ^NAD$/imsx and @{$module_for{$module_n}{'domains'};} == 1 and keys %module_for > 1)
219 0 0 unless @domains
225 0 0 if ($component_n == 1 and $i == 0 and $launched == 0) { }
0 0 elsif ($domains[$i]->symbol =~ /$_init_domain_for{$self->cutting_mode}/ or $genes[$gene_n]->rank - $genes[$component_for{$component_n}{'start'}]->rank > 1 or @domains == 1 and not $domains[$i]->symbol =~ /$_modular_domains/) { }
249 0 0 unless %component_for
252 0 0 if ($component_for{$component_n}{'domains'}[0]->symbol =~ /^C$ | ^TE$ | ^TD$ | ^Red$ | ^NAD$/imsx and @{$component_for{$component_n}{'domains'};} == 1 and keys %component_for > 1)
296 0 0 if ($start_gene->name eq $end_gene->name) { }
317 0 0 if ($str eq 'module') { }