Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 25 52 48.0

line true false branch
67 5 0 if (my $otuset = $self->get_otuset) { }
0 0 elsif (my $dimensions = $self->get_dimensions) { }
107 0 0 if (my $dimensions = $self->get_dimensions) { }
138 180 13 if ($format_tokens[1] and $format_tokens[1] eq '=') { }
139 0 180 if (lc $format_tokens[0] eq 'items') { }
143 0 0 if ($val eq '(')
192 2 69 unless ($block_type =~ qr/^(?:characters|unaligned)$/i)
199 0 69 if ($$format{'datatype'} =~ /^continuous$/i)
200 0 0 if ($$format{'notokens'})
209 52 17 if ($$format{'datatype'} =~ /^(?:dna|rna|nucleotide|protein|continuous)$/i) { }
17 0 elsif ($$format{'datatype'} eq 'standard') { }
213 17 0 unless ($$format{'respectcase'})
215 13 55 if defined $$format{$sub_cmd}
257 6 75 $attribute ? :
279 0 0 unless (defined do { /$new_label/ }->first(@$current_taxlabels))
307 0 2 unless defined $nchar
310 2 0 $nchar ? :
314 0 2 if ($self->get_type eq 'characters' and not $nchar)
342 2 0 if (scalar keys %format_of)
345 2 0 if defined $format_of{'datatype'}
347 0 2 if $format_of{'respectcase'}
350 0 6 if lc $key eq 'interleave'
351 2 4 if (not $val or $key =~ /(?:datatype|respectcase)/i) { }
0 4 elsif ($val eq '1') { }
365 0 0 if $Bio::NEXUS::Matrix::AUTOLOAD =~ /DESTROY$/
375 0 0 if (defined $synonym_for{$Bio::NEXUS::Matrix::AUTOLOAD}) { }