Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 32 68.7

line true false branch
70 0 2559 unless my $start = $$self{'start'}($feat)
73 2558 1 if (defined $lastAdded) { }
77 0 2558 unless $lastStart <= $start
80 0 2558 if $lastStart == $start and $lastEnd < $end
102 21 2559 if ($proposedChunkSize > $$self{'sizeThresh'} and @{$$partialStack[$level];}) { }
116 1 20 if ($level == $#{$$self{'partialStack'};})
148 1 21 unless defined $$self{'maxEnd'}
190 151 0 if (&$getter($$arr[$mid]) > $item) { }
199 36 0 if ($getter == $$self{'end'}) { }
214 22 2559 if ($$arr[$i][0] == $$self{'lazyClass'}) { }
224 13 2568 if (defined $sublist)
236 0 1 unless defined $$self{'topLevelList'}
238 0 1 unless $self->count
241 0 1 $from > $to ? :
243 0 1 $from > $to ? :
245 0 1 $from > $to ? :