Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 20 60.0

line true false branch
23 0 4 unless $args{'out'}
25 0 4 unless $args{'in'}
26 4 0 unless ref $args{'in'} eq 'ARRAY'
27 0 4 unless $args{'type'}
40 4 4 $$desc ? :
55 4 0 if ($args{'fasta_section'})
62 52 8 unless /^>/
75 0 8 unless $seq =~ s/^(\S+) *(.*)//
87 6 0 if $thing and ref $thing and ref $thing eq 'GLOB' || blessed $thing && $thing->can('print')
94 0 2 unless open my $f, $mode || '<', $thing