Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 23 38 60.5

line true false branch
79 0 0 if defined $val
144 8 1 unless (defined $template)
148 0 8 unless defined $template
165 12 0 if ($text =~ s/^(\s*[^\s|]*\s?)//) { }
179 0 8 if $debug
197 0 14 unless defined $substr
213 0 0 if $type == WORD()
214 0 0 if $type == LITERAL()
223 0 12 unless defined $text
229 8 0 if $head ne ''
230 1 7 if ($word =~ s/^`(.*)`$/$1/) { }
236 11 1 if $tail ne ''
262 19 8 if ($type == LITERAL()) { }
0 8 elsif ($type != WORD()) { }
268 1 7 unless defined $dval
269 0 1 if not defined $dval and exists $$data{$val} || exists $$data{lc $val}
271 1 7 if (not defined $dval) { }
5 2 elsif (not $gotField and $dval eq '') { }
283 0 2 if $val eq 'URL' and not $dval =~ /^[a-z]+:/