Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 77 20.7

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
191 0 5 0 @newlines and /^(\s+)[a-z]/
5 0 0 @newlines and /^(\s+)[a-z]/ and _within(length $1, length $newlines[$#newlines], 5)
210 0 0 0 $lastnum and $1 == $lastnum + 1
224 0 0 0 $first and $numwith == 5
267 0 0 0 length $1 >= $indmax and /^\s+[A-Z]/
287 1 0 0 $numnew < $#newlines / 2 and $indmax >= $indmin
1 0 0 $numnew < $#newlines / 2 and $indmax >= $indmin and $indmax != 0
0 0 0 $numnew < $#newlines / 2 and $indmax >= $indmin and $indmax != 0 and $indmin != 255
0 0 0 $numnew < $#newlines / 2 and $indmax >= $indmin and $indmax != 0 and $indmin != 255 and $indmax < 24
306 0 0 0 not $curr_ref and @ref_table
327 0 0 0 /^(\s*)\b/ and length $1 == $indmin
350 0 0 0 /^(\s*)\S/ and _within(length $1, $indmax, 2)
384 0 0 0 /^(\d+)\.?(([\s_]{8}\s*[,a;])|\s+[[:alnum:]_]).+$/ and $1 == $lastnum + 1
410 0 0 0 /^\s*[\(\[](\d+)[\]\)]\s.+$/s and $1 == $lastnum + 1
519 0 0 1 $center - 6 <= $maxpoint and $center + 6 >= $maxpoint
562 0 0 0 $r >= $l - $p && $r <= $l + $p

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
149 0 0 $2 || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
165 1 0 14 /^\s*references\s*$/i or /REFERENCES/
1 0 14 /^\s*references\s*$/i or /REFERENCES/ or /Bibliography/i
0 0 14 /^\s*references\s*$/i or /REFERENCES/ or /Bibliography/i or /References and Notes/
171 0 0 14 /^\s*\bappendix\b/i or /_{6}.{0,10}$/
0 0 14 /^\s*\bappendix\b/i or /_{6}.{0,10}$/ or /^\s*\btable\b/i
0 0 14 /^\s*\bappendix\b/i or /_{6}.{0,10}$/ or /^\s*\btable\b/i or /wish to thank/i
0 0 14 /^\s*\bappendix\b/i or /_{6}.{0,10}$/ or /^\s*\btable\b/i or /wish to thank/i or /\bfigure\s+\d/
208 0 0 0 /^\s*[\[\(](\d+)[\]\)]/ or /^\s*(\d+)(?:\.|\s{5,})/
497 6 0 9 length $_ == 0 or $_ =~ tr/ // / length($_) > 0.75